if you where GM of the Dolphins would you | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

if you where GM of the Dolphins would you


FinHeaven VIP
Club Member
Feb 7, 2004
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Draft one of the High School kids coming into the draft? Coming out of HS playing with some of these guys your going to get hurt really bad. I don't think your body could be ready for such a ponding.
Only if there is one REALLY good. And that would be in the 7th
This is not a serious question is it? First off none of these HS kids has any legitimate talent , it is not like LeBron James here..... even if some HS player declared who was highly regarded by the colleges I tend to think there may be an unwritten agreement here not to draft HS players................
Originally posted by dolfan22
This is not a serious question is it? First off none of these HS kids has any legitimate talent , it is not like LeBron James here..... even if some HS player declared who was highly regarded by the colleges I tend to think there may be an unwritten agreement here not to draft HS players................

The thing is, there's a HUGE difference between the NBA and NFL games.. Yes, the NBA is uptempo and physical, but no where NEAR as rough and tumble as the NFL..

These kids are AT LEAST four-five years away from being even remotely close to ready.. In all honesty, I'd money that if any of the six ARE drafted, they get Turked during or before training camp..
Football is a lot different than Basketball. I don't see any of these guys having success in the NFL for a longggg time. Of course, one year there WILL be a powerhouse kid who winds up on all the SI covers and stuff, similar to LeBron. But this HS thing is never gonna work for the NFL and things will get crazy starting next year. Sooner than later, more and more kids will start coming out. It's ridiculous. You need to condition your body for the NFL much more than the NBA. These kids are gonna get killed.
I agree that the guy w/have to be one hell of a HS football player to be even be drafted in 6 or 7 th rd. What has anyone really proven in HS. They are just soo many HS guys that do not even play the same positions in college. And it changes the whole scouting routine as well since it is geared toward college, cfl or afl
Originally posted by dan13
Draft one of the High School kids coming into the draft? Coming out of HS playing with some of these guys your going to get hurt really bad. I don't think your body could be ready for such a ponding.

I don't know if any NFL team would ever be willing to give up a draft choice for a high school player. Maybe within the next few years, we might see a team surprise by taking someone in the sixth or seventh round, and even then only if the kid plays a less physical position, like a kicker, punter... more remotely, but possibly... cornerback or wide receiver.

It would really have to be someone who is freakishly... abnormally... exceptionally physically gifted, much more physically gifted than even the top college prospects, and at that young age, I'm not sure if there's one guy like that on the entire planet.

Then again, this is the NFL... and just like the great Jim Morra said... you never know... you THINK you know... but, you NEVER, EVER do. ;)
Oh, but to answer your question...

If I were the GM of the Phins, or any other team, no, I would definitely never draft a high school player. I might sign one as an undrafted free agent... if he was 6' 10" and could bench press a truck... and then, only if he had an IQ of 150 and some REALLY good insurance.
Originally posted by ChambersOwnz84
Football is a lot different than Basketball. I don't see any of these guys having success in the NFL for a longggg time. Of course, one year there WILL be a powerhouse kid who winds up on all the SI covers and stuff, similar to LeBron. But this HS thing is never gonna work for the NFL and things will get crazy starting next year. Sooner than later, more and more kids will start coming out. It's ridiculous. You need to condition your body for the NFL much more than the NBA. These kids are gonna get killed.

When I came out of High School and went to play for the U. of Central FL., who were still 1-AA at that point, I was absolutely in shock that first year. The speed, intensity and talent level increase was much more than I had ever imagined. A couple of guys that made the jump to the NFL from UCF told me that they thought they were ready until they arrived into camp. Again, a rude awakening and a massive speed and intensity change from the college game awaited them.

My point is that the jump from High School to college is crazy enough. The jump from High School to the NFL just isn't a realistic possibility. There is no training available today that can get an 18 year old kid physically mature enough to compete with grown adults in a violent sport. Again, your not just talking talent here, you're talking physical maturity as well.

If some team chooses to bring in one of these kids this experiment may have a disastrous ending IMO.
I'm not saying I never would, but it would take a really special player. Certainly none of the guys in this class qualify.
In a word, NO. They need contact to get their bodies' ready for the beating & they aren't going to get much of that on the PS.
probably wouldnt do very well on the wunderlich test.:eek:
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