Interesting matchups given the addition of Carter: | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Interesting matchups given the addition of Carter:

-81- McMichael

Active Roster
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
St. Augie-Doggie
Anybody thought, yet, about the fact that we'll be playing Oakland and what with them having Jerry Rice and us having Carter... that'll be an interesting sideline for that game.

Even more interesting will be the game against Minnesota. Should be really interesting to see how/what Moss and Co. do up against their old teammate.

I'm glad we got him. He's 6'3" and like 215 lbs or something, folks. That's a load at the WR position. And if he's only 75% as productive as Jerry Rice has been for the Raiders, well then that'll be pretty damn good!
if it was not for Rice, he w/b the greatest WR of all-time statistically.
I think Carter could be of a great mentor for Chambers, who unlike Moss, is not totally full of himself and doesn't think he already knows everything.
I don't know why I'm only now realizing that...

With Fiedler back in 5-6 weeks, and barring any more injuries, our starting offense (skill positions) could end up looking like this:

qb - jay fiedler
rb - ricky williams
wr - chris chambers
wr - chris carter
te - randy mcmichael
fb - rob konrad

Not bad, methinks!
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