We've just been talking about this recently and Spano kind of hinted that wilford still needs to make the roster..
Funny that Beck and McClown has had 500 throws a piece and he knows their value, but Wilford who's had a got of opportunities because of those throws and Henne and CP, still needs evaluating..
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Sparano said Derek Hagan and Ted Ginn Jr. have separated themselves as the Dolphins starters, then there's everyone else. He named all the receivers, and it shouldn't surprise you that Ernest Wilford was the last one mentioned.
Sparano said Wilford will play a lot Thursday because the team needs to evaluate him.
Funny that Beck and McClown has had 500 throws a piece and he knows their value, but Wilford who's had a got of opportunities because of those throws and Henne and CP, still needs evaluating..
When asked to assess his receivers on the bubble, as usual Sparano said he's been feeling Davone Bess, he singled out Greg Camarillo for making some good plays against the Chiefs, and said Jayson Foster has been "driving us crazy catching balls" during practice.
"He's quicker than he is fast," Sparano said.
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