I just had to take a acidphex my stomach was so aggravated, i just cant believe a game can cause this much stress, my job is easier, can we just get a break one year when things just go right
I was sick the moment we were 2nd and 3 yards to go for a first and we run a double reverse for a ten yard loss. I knew it was back to the same ol crap.
god do you believe that a football game can cause real illness, i almost broke my wifes coffee table on the interception, i had to go outside for ten minutes to cool off and then take my stomach meds
I know I know. When gus threw the pick i was so enraged i ran through my house screaming and puching completly random objects, that, was follwed by a serious depressive state sitting with my head on my computer desk listening, on WMJX, to the final seconds tick away. This loss hurt, although I am over it now and looking forward, it still hurts.
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