...or was Greg Jennings the worst color guy on a broadcast so far this year? He was a great player, but that was hard to listen to. I wish Jennings the best and hope he improves, but can we get Cris Carter back for the rest of the season?
He seemed good to me,except he doesn’t have a good voice for It.
This! I didn't think he was bad....just not smooth. Chris Carter has years on ESPN to get comfortable doing this, Greg Jennings is a newbie....he'll improve.
They both seemed like they were openly rooting for the bears. Example, we had a great gain and Jennings was saying how good and young the DB was who made the tackleHe was awful and it actually seemed like he was openly rooting for the Bears which is strange. I had no idea he was in the booth. Was this his first game all year? Hopefully it was the last.