Perfect23 said:Just wanted to know cause I dont have directv I got some thing else im asking this so I can watch my beloved fins.
MR NFLFAN said:Yeah it's just for direct tv subscribers.
BwanaZulia said:
MR NFLFAN said:It will be this way until one of the networks is willing to pony up more money than direct TV to pay the NFL for the rights to broadcast those games. I can't really see any other players in the sunday ticket programing other than perhaps Dish network but until their subscribers list grows substantially its going to be a direct Tv only option.
muscle979 said:I would think big cable companies like Comcast would want a piece of it. If I can't see enough Miami games here in Georgia this season I might make the switch for next season. I love on demand and everything but I get sick of the local networks deciding what games I'm gonna watch.
MR NFLFAN said:It will be this way until one of the networks is willing to pony up more money than direct TV to pay the NFL for the rights to broadcast those games. I can't really see any other players in the sunday ticket programing other than perhaps Dish network but until their subscribers list grows substantially its going to be a direct Tv only option.
BwanaZulia said:I don't think so.
I think in three years you are going to see the NFL Network (notice not "channel") take over the broadcasting.