Is junc a Fin fan?? 11,000 posts on a DOLPHINS MESSAGEBOARD. How does he have time to post anywhere else... junc are you fireman Ed??
Nah, It's just that Jet fans have no life.
Did this thread really need to be created???
When you don't work, you have plenty of time to visit many sites a day.
No, not a Dolphin fan, and sorry JCane I have to disagree, Junc's just an overrated troll. I find it interesting some dolfans actually enjoy the contributions(if you want to call'em that) of that pot stirrer.
Maybe after losing to the Bills this week he wishes he was.
And I am one of the fans who appreciate the insight he brings from an opponents viewpoint.
He's doing a poor job of trolling then.
By the way, terrible loss to Alabama. I thought maybe we could pull it out.