Jay Fiedler is still a good Quarterback | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Jay Fiedler is still a good Quarterback


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Sep 3, 2001
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Bay Area, California
So what if he threw 3 INTs in a preseason game. It's what preseason is for. To get everything squared out, and to get the mistakes out, so you don't have them in the regular season.

Fiedler has had two full contact practices since his hip surgery. You think he'd be off. As we all know, a little off, can mean A LOT in the NFL, which was shown in the preseason game.

We so quickly forget about the Jay Fiedler who LED all QBs in the 4th quarter. The Jay Fiedler who tore it up in the 2nd half of the season, with a LESS QB friendly coordinator, an even more tattered offensive line, and a tenative runningback at his side.

We so quickly forget that he is a great clutch performer, and preseason is anything but the time needed for a clutch performance.

The throws Jay missed yesterday were throws he has made before. Wannstedt said so himself. He just does not have the timing with the receivers, or the reps needed to run an offense. Also remember, we had no gameplan, and Norv was just picking plays. Our offense will be better.

This is just preseason, we should not look so hard into it. If Jay does not start showing any improvement with the next 8 practices, then we could be worried. Until then, have faith in our Quarterback. He's a good one.
Well its been a long time since I have posted anything on this site just because the offseason is kind of slow and everything else. But I usually came by the site everyday to see what people were talking about. And the only reason I am saying something now is because I am fed up with reading all the bashing and everything else some of these "die hard" dolfans are saying.

I am glad someone finally said something about Jay. Because it is just ridiculus that some people don't have the common sense to realize that he hasn't practiced more the 4 days with the starting offense since the start of training camp this year. And if anyone has played QB before should know that when you have surgery on your legs (hip), that it would not be fully healed yet. That is a explanation why he isn't so accurate with his passes sometimes so far this pre-season. You will all see that he will be better this year then any year he has played with the Phins come time for opening day. I wouldn't be surprised to see him pass for over 200 yds and throw for at least 2 TD's and no INT's. And Ray Lucas is not the answer at QB because if you watch him throw the ball he throws bullets everytime no matter how short or how far he throws the ball down the field. He is a very good backup but he won't last long as a starter throwing the ball as hard as he can everytime.

Next is all you Ricky Williams doubters. Like it was said before you all cheered for him when we sign him but when he dosen't break 20 yd runs everytime he touches the ball we all get upset. Ricky is a power runner and he gets into his groove when he gets more and more carries. 9 carries isn't gonna show anything. But I gurantee that if he carried the ball 25 times he would of had at least 125 yds. So don't bash him and just wait and see what he does to the Lions and then the Jets eventually.

These are my opinons and no one has to agree with me but this is just how I feel. And I truely believe our team is just fine and you will see another 11 to 12 win season on our way to the Super Bowl. With the Super Bowl MVP being a co-mvp award for williams and chambers!

go Phins!
welcome back eckerdguy !

good point about Ricky - dolphans still have running game ADD - if we cannot run the ball well on the first couple of series we want to see Dan back there throwing to the Marks Brothers. Hopefully, us older dolphans can just sit back and look for a more Czonka-like performance from RW - which is what we can hope for. :calm:
With all the negativity going around, I felt that I had to throw in my two cents. Thanks for the replys 39 and eckerdguy.
let's resume this conversation about Jay after the Lions game, but 'til then everyone be Cool & The Gang :D
And some voices of reason, sanity does rear it head.

And more than 66% think RW will gain less than 1000 yds:confused: :nono: :shakeno:
Hey the throws he missed were short. I'll admit he doesn't have a great arm, but if his hip heals he can rotate more and put more zip on the ball and all those passes get where they need to be and are completed. This will lead to big plays and instead of the Saints getting the ball back we get 1st downs and big plays.

When Jay gets his rythm back those passes are completed(except the Hodge pass, he was trying to do too much.) Chambers prob scores on his play. The other is a 1st down and we prob score. Get the O-line some rythm and Jay in synce with his WR and body, and we'll be just fine IMHO.

I'm still worried about the OL though.
I'm still sticking to my prediction that Jay will have a break out season and will be #1 qb in the east...You guys will be on the jay Fiedler bandwagon, once season starts.......
984, I don’t know what it is. Why you like Fiedler so much, why can't you LEAST admit he had a bad game. Fiedler sucks, stop making excuse for why he messes up. Like... ummm its only preseason. Ok I don’t care its not like he hasn't played the game before. Jay sucks, I will put money on it that he has a bad season. Minus you will jump on the Hating Jay bandwagon once the season starts.
HMMM, I was just thinking, what Dan looked like in his perseason games coming off injury?? Or Joe Montana, or Elway or any other Qb in the past or present NFL that has only practiced for 2-3 days at full speed with his WRs and played 2 games in 4 days???? Remember CC and alot of the top WRs on this team did not practice much in mini camps due to injury so he has had very little precious time with them to get any semblance of timeing down. And this is not an excuse, it is fact.
Originally posted by Ducken
HMMM, I was just thinking, what Dan looked like in his perseason games coming off injury?? Or Joe Montana, or Elway or any other Qb in the past or present NFL that has only practiced for 2-3 days at full speed with his WRs and played 2 games in 4 days???? Remember CC and alot of the top WRs on this team did not practice much in mini camps due to injury so he has had very little precious time with them to get any semblance of timeing down. And this is not an excuse, it is fact.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
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