Lets get those balls deep!!
I kinda disagree with this belief that we got lucky and we were outplayed and still managed to win. Yes we only had 104 yards of offense, but the game was 6-3 in the third when Ginn got his first run back. Then we got the TD from Taylor. Had it not been for the fumble by Bess they wouldn't have scored there, and our offense would have gotten another drive. If you think about it, both those TD's by Ginn were drives taken away from our offense, so I think that really skews the stats quite a bit. Especially since they were playing from behind and airing it out alot. I think if Ginn doesn't return the first one the game takes on a whole nother look. It probably ends up being like 13-10. So my point is, we held them to 6 points through the first 2 and a half quarters, if not for Bess's buttery digits they probably have 6 going into the 4th. I say thats good.