Joe Bailey: HEADHUNTER! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums



Don't believe everything you think.
Sep 3, 2001
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your six
Wow, this guy looks like a real find!

This organization is looking like they are ON the sweet does that feel right now?

Read this.
When did that story get posted??

I'm curious because we posted that Houston Chronicle bit this A.M. Just curious to see if WE were the ones who made them aware of it.

It's those kinds of little joys that make my life worth living. :tongue:

Anyway, I feel the same way. It's crazy how in a matter of just a few months time, this organization (and I mean "organization") has gone from being the joke of the league to 1st class. Even as recent as one month ago, the front office was a mess. The only redeeming quality was Jim Bates, because under Wannstedt, it was a total mess from top to bottom.

Obviously you don't go from worst to first simply by hiring a few guys and saying all the right things. But these moves speak volumes. And you just get the overwhelming sense that we're in very capable hands.

From Joe Bailey to Nick Saban to Huizenga's press conference announcing the grand plans for the future to his immediate change to "Dolphins Stadium", I've had a confident yet giddy mindset about our team.
The thing I like is that we're doing rather than saying.

One of the constants I've noticed among the leagues most loosing teams (notably the Lions here in Detroit) is that they're very Wanny-esq in their talking. Saying things like we're getting better, we're just a piece away, we're trying... etc. Despite their many woes, they never actually do anything to get better.

One bad season for us, and we're already righting the ship. I'm truely excited.
What I've noticed

Is how is of the people interviewed and some of the ones hired so far, there is a real good mix between young, and old, yet none too old. The new D line coach is a baby (34) when it comes to coaching, yet the D line was the one thing that stood out at me in SF. The guy aint much older that JT!

Bailey has one heck of a resume' and he could be the key behind the gems found whether it's coaches, or players. He seems to be willing to work together with Saban instead of butting heads, now that's change considering the last two that ran this organization, even though friends, butted heads way too much.

I'm really hoping that the Vikings lose this weekend so we can gauge the interest in their OC. I like his offenses.

Things are surely looking up in Dolfan land..
I don't think this organization ever got to the point that it was the laughing stock of the league. I believe most people think this could be a very quick turnaround situation. Wayne is and has always been one of the best owners in the league.

I, personally, consider the Dolphins somewhat of a sleeping giant at this point. They've got a lot of young offensive talent that hasn't been properly developed who may just sprout their wings with the new direction. Plus, while the defense is on the downward slope of the mountain, there is still enough talent in place that they will remain one of the better defenses in the league. There's no telling what Nick Saban's more aggressive style will do for this defense.
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