Joke of the offseason..... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Joke of the offseason.....

Coral Reefer

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Mar 7, 2002
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The message from Dolphins tackle Marcus Spriggs and his agent to team management is simple: Promise Spriggs a spot with the first-team offense in 2003 or don't expect him to re-sign after the free agent signing period begins Feb. 28.

Is this guy kidding?!?! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

NO ONE should ever be guaranteed a starting spot let alone a middle of the road player! What a jackass! It would be one thing if you heard Zach Thomas or Jason Taylor say something like that..... players with unquestionable starter talent but Spriggs! :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is just the type of attitude this team dosen't need and I hope they show him the door today! The Fins need to immediately take care of this idiot and send a message to any other pre-madonna's that may think they are more important than the team as a whole.
I totally agree, no one on the O-line should be guaranteed anything. If Nails hadnt gotten hurt maybe, but that achilles injury takes a lot of time to fully recover for.
Originally posted by Trekbiz
It would be one thing if you heard Zach Thomas or Jason Taylor say something like that..... players with unquestionable starter talent but Spriggs! :lol: :lol:

thats the thing, though. zach and jason dont have demand anything...their starting spots are theirs period, they are the best at what they do. spriggs is huffing and puffing because of his insecurities regarding his job. heres another scenario:

RW: coach, i wanna be the starting halfback for this team next year or i'm not coming back
wanny: OK :confused:
Spriggs is going to be sitting home getting fat if his agent does that. He should be starting on no team in the league except maybe the Bengals.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just read that article before I logged into finheaven and bust out laughing over it. TOO FUNNY!
Originally posted by FinaticalOne
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just read that article before I logged into finheaven and bust out laughing over it. TOO FUNNY!

I wonder if Spriggs has the same agent Fletcher had when he held out!
O.K. Marcus...

go ahead and test that Market...

see what kind of money is out there for an overweight...barely played in the last two years reserve OT...


He is also the guy who defended Daryl Gardener...
so he is a derisive jerk.

Get lost.

Bring me Gandy or Petigout.:fire: :D
"Teams need linemen that can block. If it's here or elsewhere, I just want to play football."
bad line from the agent since Spriggs has not shown he can block anyone lately
Spriggs not bad but he is smoking something to demand a starting spot.He is better than Spencer Folau and he is starting for the Saints.I wouldn't be surprise some team offer him a starting job...
Originally posted by minus
Spriggs not bad but he is smoking something to demand a starting spot.He is better than Spencer Folau and he is starting for the Saints.I wouldn't be surprise some team offer him a starting job...

This guy's making demands? He should be lucky he's got a roster spot! I know hie played LT (left tackle) but his performance was more like a Left Turnstile!
I just called Wanny and told him, I'm not coming to camp unless I'm garaunteed a starting cornerback position.........he said he'd get back to me...........Personally, I think he'll cave.
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