Everyone is saying we need to draft O-linemen because of all the players that were released,right? Well, what if Cam and Houck don't feel that we have to use 1st day picks on OL because they feel we ALREADY have our LT and LG on the roster? Remember, they cut loose a fistful of veteran O-linemen and kept these young players that Houck has been working with for 1 and 2 years. If this is the case, then we can be using those picks on "impact" players like Randy and Cam have been saying that they plan to do. Maybe they just feel they need to pick up a couple of 2nd day picks to add depth to our O-line? Wouldn't that really shake up the way our draft would procede? Can anyone tell me for sure that we're going to draft O-line early? I don't recall Randy or Cam ever saying that we were going to draft P-line early, they just said they were going to draft more o-linemen at sometime during the draft.