Kb21!!!!!!!!!!!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums



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Sep 2, 2001
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i'm gonna do something you don't do, i have some stats for you. i don't know why i'm even bothering to do this, you're such a walking dic, (and i don't mean dictionary).
the dolphins have the winningest percentage in history of the friggin league and if fiedler is so bad, can you explain why they have increased that % by 4 since fiedler took over!?:fire: :yell:
Originally posted by dolfan06
the dolphins have the winningest percentage in history of the friggin league and if fiedler is so bad, can you explain why they have increased that % by 4 since fiedler took over!?:fire: :yell:
maybe because football is a team sport :rolleyes: ;)
Re: Re: Kb21!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by dolphan39
maybe because football is a team sport :rolleyes: ;)
it takes a team to win the superbowl, marino never had a complete team, but he increased the winning percentage!:p
i basically wanted to see.........

how this idiot handles stats staring him in the face, and will he continue to put his mind in neutral and pop the clutch on his lips!:D
fiedler didn't have a complete............

team either, but he managed to increase the %, but they didn't make the superbowl!:rolleyes:
Trust me.....this won't work with him.He will come up with some LAME excuse on how Feidler sucks.

Originally posted by va dolfan
Trust me.....this won't work with him.He will come up with some LAME excuse on how Feidler sucks.
well he better get fitted with kneepads, we'll just see who SUCKS!:toliet:
Originally posted by Dolfan984
Hey 39, is that Ben Kelly? or Brian Walker? Who is that?
EDIT: Ah, Shawn Wooden. Gotcha.
didn't that was my pix - huh ? ;) :lol:
why do some people..........

want to blame fiedler. it takes a whole team to make, or not make a season. how many times did dan get the fins to the superbowl, once, on his arm alone. and you saw what happened with no defense or running game!:rolleyes: :p
It's the Jay-train!

Soon enough KB will crawl back under whatever rock he spawned from because he'll have to acknowlege that, while Fiedler still isn't quite there, next season he will be the man that can help propel this team to the next level. He's improved for two years running and there's no reason to believe that he won't do the same this year. When the dust has settled on this next season and the "Jay-train" (it's a new nick name I'm trying out :D ) is still standing then, hopefully, we'll never have to listen to KB's ranting and whining again. :fire:
Re: It's the Jay-train!

Originally posted by Expo88
Soon enough KB will crawl back under whatever rock he spawned from because he'll have to acknowlege that, while Fiedler still isn't quite there, next season he will be the man that can help propel this team to the next level. He's improved for two years running and there's no reason to believe that he won't do the same this year. When the dust has settled on this next season and the "Jay-train" (it's a new nick name I'm trying out :D ) is still standing then, hopefully, we'll never have to listen to KB's ranting and whining again. :fire:
i'm sure we'll always have to listen to his whining, but it will probably be under a different name!:D
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