Kyle Turley anyone? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Kyle Turley anyone?

P.S. I can't speak for all saints fans.......but i wouldn't be interested in Madison.....not at his salary......he is overrated IMO.
The Saints

were a pretty rough team to negotiate with...I'm pretty sure that
its not Rick and Dave's first destination this off-season.:mad:
The Dolphins are looking to trade Jamar Fletcher, so I hear. Its become obvious that our little project to turn a zone CB into a press CB has failed. He has great talent and will be good somewhere, mark me on that, but he can't play in our system.

I think if we offered a 3rd and Fletcher, we could get Turley because he's got 1 year left under contract. You can't get a 1st for a guy with just 1 year left like that unless he's an obvious pro bowler at the position. He's not. So I think a 3rd and Fletcher would do, since the Saints need secondary help and Fletcher didn't perform all that bad this year.

I would be willing to pay that for Turley.

Besides, he can go on visits home to San Diego with Ricky if he came here. They both love San Diego. Lets hope they can both come to love Miami too. And Turley really WAS sad to see Ricky leave the Saints. He's a fiery competitor and to tell you the truth, what guy on our team is like that? What guy would take a banana and throw it against the wall when your coach has the gall to call for practice on gameday when the league has just suspended games for the week because of September 11th? What guy would take so much offense to the player on the other team endangering your quarterback's life, that he would go over there and try to MURDER the guy, then take his helmet and toss it into the stands. Do we have that kind of fire? Do we need it?

No and yes.
I haven't read any where(reports) that Dolphins are shopping Fletcher and that was DCH thinks the Dolphins will do with fletcher.
Correction, its what DCH said the Dolphins COACHES talked about when he talked with them. He said the coaches admit its obvious that he can't learn our way of playing press defense. That he would be good in zone, I don't doubt...and neither does Troy Vincent for that matter. But he may not be able to cut it in the press.

Shopping him around is a natural choice.
Originally posted by DCH
Just AVENTURA.....I got to talk to a very matter-of-fact....straight to the point guy in DEFENSIVE LINE COACH.....BROOKS.....who said point blank that this team needs to get more "of an attitude". He felt very bad that the fans have come down on all the coaching staff....and it still is going on....right up to the offices at HUIZENGA HOLDINGS.....the fans are mad folks...and on a national basis...not a Miami basis. He said that he is concerned about this offseason...calling it "critical for everyones sake". But more importantly.....he told me among other things....that players are the ones that have to make the plays....the coaches can only do so much.....and it was just sick for him to see the defense just crumble....although he did add......"the offense only scored 3 damn points in that second half against New England".....

that was the part from his conversation with the coach.DCH came to his own conclusion about Jammar will be shop around.Is not the obvious choice to trade him because he did a good for being his first year.THe Dolphins staff know the talent he has and they are not ready to give up on him.Why you think Wanstead praise him in news conferences and defended him so much ?
Maybe wanny praised him to try to raise his trade value. I am not ready to give up on Fletch, but getting Turley wouldn't be giving up on him with no return. I don't know if the Saints would want him though. Maybe we could trade him for Drew Brees.LOL
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