Lawyer for Richie Incognito releases statement on Wells report | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Lawyer for Richie Incognito releases statement on Wells report


Club Member
Aug 10, 2008
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Pattaya, Thailand
"Mr. Wells' NFL report is replete with errors," Schamel said in a statement issued to PFT. "The facts do not support a conclusion that Jonathan Martin's mental health, drug use, or on-field performance issues were related to the treatment by his teammates.

"It is disappointing that Mr. Wells would have gotten it so wrong, but not surprising. The truth, as reported by the Dolphins players and as shown by the evidence, is that Jonathan Martin was never bullied by Richie Incognito or any member of the Dolphins Offensive line. We are analyzing the entire report and will release a thorough analysis as soon as it is ready."
Martin's parents are shrewd, they have coached their son to a tee. I have no doubt they told him to send them those texts to collaborate the story that would be hatched later. Who the heck texts their parents about being the P word? This all seems to surreal to me. I see the report omitted the texts Martin sent to Richie.....Oh well, get rid of them all and start anew is all that can be done now.
It was definitely all scripted. Either that or his mother is stiffer than a strippers pole.
Martin's parents are shrewd, they have coached their son to a tee. I have no doubt they told him to send them those texts to collaborate the story that would be hatched later. Who the heck texts their parents about being the P word? This all seems to surreal to me. I see the report omitted the texts Martin sent to Richie.....Oh well, get rid of them all and start anew is all that can be done now.
Why didn't he just let Richie tweet out the statement.....Richie needs a new lawyer, one who has good reading comprehension skills.....
Just go away you and your client get incognito to the world!
"Mr. Wells' NFL report is replete with errors," Schamel said in a statement issued to PFT. "The facts do not support a conclusion that Jonathan Martin's mental health, drug use, or on-field performance issues were related to the treatment by his teammates."

This was not a conclusion of the report. Richie's lawyers spinning non-sense.
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