LE BATARD: Risky business: Boston would bring baggage | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

LE BATARD: Risky business: Boston would bring baggage


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Risky business: Boston would bring baggage
Here's what the Dolphins would be getting in Boston, according to a fascinating profile by Tom Friend in ESPN The Magazine: a player with 18-inch biceps, a 34-inch waist and 5 percent body fat (he moisturizes his biceps before games, so they glisten just so). A player who wears contact lenses in purple, red, blue and honey. A player who says in all seriousness, when asked by teammates why he always smells so pretty, ''My hygiene is unbelievable.'' A player who carries around and gives out pictures of himself, shirt off, belt unbuckled.

Boston, ironically, is from Humble, Texas.
Who cares about all that? as long as he is productive on the field. People always want to dwell on the negative. Lets not forget he played for 2 sorry organizations. thats enough to make anyone crazy.

In 5 season the teams boston has been on have won 25 games, the dolphins have twice that with 50. And we have his mentor.

Now dwell on that one for a sec.
Ricky didn't bring this type of baggage.

As long as he agrees to submit to random drug testing and agrees to a weight clause, then I'm OK with a deal as long as Miami doesn't give up too much.
dont listen to dan le retard he doesnt have a clue what hes talking about. he says boston brings baggage... this is the same guy that said he would trade the farm for randy moss (who plays when he feels like it and also has "baggage") so whenever dan has something to say disregard it because it is often useless
Originally posted by DolFinatic718
Who cares about all that? as long as he is productive on the field. People always want to dwell on the negative. Lets not forget he played for 2 sorry organizations. thats enough to make anyone crazy.

In 5 season the teams boston has been on have won 25 games, the dolphins have twice that with 50. And we have his mentor.

Now dwell on that one for a sec.

Everyone cares about all that...including you because if he isn't productive on the field because he repeats his history then it affects the Miami Dolphins as a team.

Miami is not such the glory place that it may have been in the past. He was at 2 sorry organizations, sure, but take a closer look at what he gets in Miami....hyper critical fan base that have uber high expectations for the team; late season slide; QB issues and missed the playoffs the last 2 years.
Boston brings baggage no question but when he is focusted on playing he is a force, the man is a monster! As a Patriot fan this is the only move the Dolphins have done (or close to doing) that IMO makes the Dolphins a better team.
This reminds me of a guy named "Joe Nammath" YA, Broadway Joe. Seems to me all that sh** he did off the field had nothing to do with his performance on the field. I hope the same will go for Boston. Let him do what he wants, he is allowed to have a life, even if it is a odd one.
I don't understand why ricky is great friends

with this guy.
Yes he makes valid points, but he got all of his info and references from that Boston article in the San Diego (sorry forgot the link) newspaper website. The same link that's been wh0red around here since the Boston news broke.

I swear it's like he copied the entire article and put his little spin on it.

"Boston is a poor man's TO"

Uhh no Boston hasn't done anything on a consistant basis to be compared to T.O. Not to mention look at the debacle that the Ravens have to deal with now for T.O.

Boston has had his problems, but most of his teamates say all the media hype was blown way out of proportion.

Boston doesn't garauntee us sh1t, but he does bring instant credibility to the #2 reciever spot. aside from the o-line, that was one of our biggest achillies heals last year.

had we traded for Randy Moss, he would've brought up the ole "I play when I want to play" statement or with T.O. the malcontent "sharpie incident"

IMHO, we have some great weapons on our offense, if feely pans out, and the o-line plays well, our biggest weakpoint on offense would be wr, without a receiver like Boston, that demands respect becasue of his gamebreaking ability. Automatically, you should see Chambers and McMicheal blossom, from not recieving as much double teams.
I read the 3 big newspapers in the Miami area and there are rare times when I read anything too positive about Phins. It seems like they dig for anything to put a negative spin on. Its hard to take them seriously unless they come out with info I don't know about which is rare. You could say they are hard hitting reporters but damn do they ever say anything positive in article without contradicting it with something negative?
Who cares if he oils his biceps, etc.? You can't really blame the guy. He worked his a** off to get the body he has. I would show it off too. It's amazing how people get all over someone for showing off their body, but someone who drives around in a Benz doesn't get criticized as much.
I've lived in alot of NFL cities and most of them treat there teams like $h!t!
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