Leinart or Rodgers? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Leinart or Rodgers?


Sep 3, 2004
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Just my two cents.....
I have now had the oppertunity to watch these two kids play in game action this year and the bottom line is they are both players.
Physically they look very different but the end result seems to be the same, they win and they do it in an efficient manner.
Especially when it comes to Leinart you hear the phrase "product of a system", well I personally think that is rediculous. I WANT to see what a player can do when he is put in the right situations and is coached well because the bottom line in the NFL is you have to be in a great system to win. Tom Brady is a perfect example of this. Brady does not wow you with arm strength or mobility but he does what his system allows him to do and he does it to perfection. That is what both Leinart and Rodgers have done in college.
Jay Fiedler had every oppertunity to succeed in the NFL when he had a great defense, a great running back and a top notch reciver and failed. Why did he fail? This brings me to my last point...He lost because of accuracy. The one thing you must be in the NFL is ACCURATE. You don't have to have a rocket arm (neither kid does) nor do you have to run like the wind...You have to be on target with the ball and both these kids are exactly that.
I think both are great players. If it were my decision I would take Leinart simply because of his height advantage.
There will be three teams who will draft very high this year who need a qb in the draft (Miami, Arizona and San Francisco) and their will be two quarterbacks there for the taking. Who knows how it will shake out but it should be interesting.
I have been extremely impressed with Rodgers...not so much with USC's qb...although i havent watched him as much.
Both are good, but I think Rodgers will be a better pro. By the way, if either Rodgers or Leinart had what Jason White or Chris Rix has to work with, USC and Cal would score 70 points every game.
wonderl33t said:
Both are good, but I think Rodgers will be a better pro. By the way, if either Rodgers or Leinart had what Jason White or Chris Rix has to work with, USC and Cal would score 70 points every game.

What? Leinart has the best players in the country around him and with Arrington, MacArthur and Lyman (who's hurt) Rodgers has some ballers on his team too.
I agree Rodgers will be very good, I'm just not sure why people don't seem to think Leinart is also the real deal.
IMO you cant go wrong with either. I think alot of people on this board underestimate Leinart. He is a winner, and is extremely accurate. That being said I would prefer Rogers. I just think this guy is an unbelievable talent. Watching guys like David Carr and Big Ben today really makes me wish we could have something like that. It would be nice to watch a young talent progress like that.
Becks7 said:
Just my two cents.....
I have now had the oppertunity to watch these two kids play in game action this year and the bottom line is they are both players.
Yes, they both are players... Couldn't agree more.

Rodgers is a gret COLLEGE QB. I doubt he'll be anything in the NFL. He's a polished J.P. Losman...

Leinart has all the intangibles, and has a great arm. Accruate, and strong. Leinart or bust.

Also, someone said that ML is a product of the system... HE PLAYS IN AN NFL BASED OFFENSE! I hope he is a product..
Just factor in how many playmakers they got (and that includes at OL) and the type of defenses they are playing at. Always got to factor that in.
Martel said:
What? Leinart has the best players in the country around him and with Arrington, MacArthur and Lyman (who's hurt) Rodgers has some ballers on his team too.

How does Leinart have the best players around him when all he is playing with are true freshmen and sophomores? He lost both starting wide receivers from last year, and one of those just happened to be Mike Williams.
Becks7 said:
I agree Rodgers will be very good, I'm just not sure why people don't seem to think Leinart is also the real deal.

Because I haven't seen this guy make any plays on his own.
I agree with others that say he is more a product of the system he is in rather than just being a pure playmaker. He reminds me of many of the U of Miami QB's that were prime examples of how a good system and fantastic WR's can make a QB look like a top tier prospect even though they are far from it.

The games I've seen Rogers play, he strikes me as the type of QB that can make plays on his own and has the talent to be one of those "carry a team QB's" Well, he has more potential to become that type of QB than Leinart anyway.
I have not seen either of them play more then one time so I'm undecided right now, does anyone have any video of either of them playing?
How about this Alex Smith guy? he has lead Utah to an undefeated year so far and is up for the heisman
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