Mel Kiper Grades the Draft....The Fins?..... "D" | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Mel Kiper Grades the Draft....The Fins?..... "D"

Kiper can reach...and you know for what. He is an anti-Dolphin guy from way back so let him have his opinion, that's all it is. Kiper feels that in important games last year when our D needed to get off the field on third down and get the ball back for the O they failed to do it in several big games causing us to lose. The fact that we didn't address our "weakness" in that area was the reason for the low grade.But, we did go out and get Howard and Atkins and we replaced Brock Marion who was hurting us and IMO was a big part in letting teams keep drives alive. We got rid of the mega-bust Fletcher and held on to O-Gun. If we took Wilfork he would have given us an A but then who on earth would have played RT. I'm very happy with a giant, can't miss killer-stud like Vernon Carey that can be plugged into RT for the next decade. That was a FREAKING MAJOR NEED DR. KIPER!!!!!!!!! We filled the need and it was exactly the correct thing to do. Later, we recouped the pick we lost and more and got great value on some very good players so I don't care what Dr. Pompedor has to say on the issue.
someone mentioned that anaylists like burman and other criticize the dolphins etc and that we are like the yankees. well you are half right, they do like to gang up on miami purely because we have a good team on paper but we never show up and they always pick against us in big games are usually justified. the crack about the yankees is totally wrong though. how are we like the yankees? sports anaylists dont dislike us, they just pick against us, and we arent winners like the yankees, thats for damn well sure
I'm not gonna let Kiper ruin my day. I don't care what he has to say one way or the other cos I liked the draft we had. I didn't like our draft last year all that much but I'm happy with this one. Anyway, nobody will know how good or bad ANY team did till about 3 years from now.

Ozzy rules!!
I read that the team had two players targeted with their thrid round pick as being major values.

Will Poole
Issaac Sopogoa

We traded down and picked up another guy. So we basically re-couped our fourth by trading downa nd still getting a guy we would have drafted in the third round anyway.

I'm happy with what we got, I am however a little worried that a lot of our late picks are projected to have no chance of ever starting. Like Bua and Pope.

I'd like to get some late round guys who can start like a bunch of other teams do.
It's easy to give teams like Detroit good grades because they have so many holes to fill that anyone they draft has a chance to start.Plus, they're picking in the top 10 every year so they should have good drafts.

Kiper seemed to like every pick we made, yet at the end of the day he rips the Fins for not doing enough? How can he claim our D is overrated? They gave up a touchdown or less in half our games last season and didnt' allow a 100-yard rusher all season. You can't base a defense on one bad game (Philly).

ESPN pays their analysts to make bold statements and Kiper's just trying to stir the pot. I think Rick did an excellent job. He could have taken a WR, but any receiver taken beyond the middle of the third round might not have been any better than what we already have.

Everyone else seems to like our draft,especially considering we had no second or third.
I didn't get a real negative review from him.

He said no teams were real F's or D's, but he named us as a bottom 3 of the draft. HOWEVER he barely touched on our draft, and the only negative I heard was that "Miami didn't walk away with enough picks". Which is normal considering we only had what, 5 to being with? or was it 6? Minus that 4th we traded. He has to respect our picks, but from what I gathered, we didn't have "enough" picks in his opinion.
Would've probably been a C+ if we did what we should have done, which was taking P.K. Sam in the 5th-round. That was stupid passing on Sam, & it's going to haunt us. We could've moved up in the 6th for Bua.
ChambersOwnz84 said:
Would've probably been a C+ if we did what we should have done, which was taking P.K. Sam in the 5th-round. That was stupid passing on Sam, & it's going to haunt us. We could've moved up in the 6th for Bua.

And passing on Triandos Luke....and of course passing completely on the best return man coming out in Derek Abney.........

I stand by my prediction: Derek Abney will outperform our return men........we screwed up there......
Draft grades are like Power rankings.Meaningless.Poole was an excellent pick and Carey filled a need.Phins had a good draft IMHO.
I hate the Dolphins and all...but that just seems really harsh. How much better can you do than getting two first round talents...with only one pick on day 1?
Besides studying film, and talking to scouts, Kipers comments carry no value as far as im concerned. So what if he graded us a "D"? ya know, we did fill needs. Depth on the O line, and we got a 1st round talent in the fourth, and we also helped special teams out, with bua. I would have liked to see us grab a speedy WR, but the line has been our downfall the last 3 years( well, that and Jay). We have an awesome core group of players, and now we depth. I mean Poole cant be any worse that J.Fletcher (1st round pick), can he? Plus, he can return punts. I am very excited about the team, even as is right now, we are better than last year. What matters, is how much better the comp. ( dillon, wilfork, etc to pats...vilma, mccareins to L. Evans to bills) has improved. That is the difference man. oh yea, did I forget Vernon?
Frayser said:
I think his biggest knock (which happens to be my biggest knock) is that we could have waited and had either Carey or Wilfork fall into our laps (possibly both if the Vikes went with Udeze anyway).

We moved up because the Patriots were going to move up to #19 and draft Vernon Carey. The Dolphins needed Carey, and we didn't need Wilfork. We already have 3 solid DTs, they may be old, but they can still play. At this time, we don't need another one. We needed immediate help at OL, and we got it with Carey.
Section126 said:
Mel Kiper graded the draft......and although he said that he really did not see any teams deserving of a D or F grade he rated from 1 to 5......He said three teams did the worst job.....Seattle, Dallas, and..........MIAMI.

He gave them all 2 stars for a "D" grade......he made no mention of the trade and did mention that he liked the Carey and Poole picks....but that we reached the rest of the way......

I guess that I look at M Kiper as I look at most of the ( so called ) football experts on ESPN ,,,,, an entertainment value !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiper might have all the stats along with his opinions about each years draft class but it will be a very cold day in hell before I consider him a draft guru / expert !!!!

When Kiper is hired by a team as a scout and puts in the long hours of compiling information on thousands of players to help ONE team and can take credit for being part of a "team draft" that has a successful draft, then and ONLY then will I consider Kiper a draft guru ...................


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