Eh, sorry to create more work for the mods, but...
When inFINSible merged my accounts together as requested, he merged the one I made the request with into the one I didn't have access to. That's the reason I wanted it the other way around, because it would have merged the posts and everything from my old one into my new one, but left the password, email address and everything intact.
Now, I know it must be frustrating that I keep creating accounts (this is my 3rd now), but I sent several emails to the webmaster using the "Contact Us" function, but they were unanswered.
So I'm asking if Brees9 could be merged INTO this one. I know I could just ask you to give my other one I new password, but people wanted me to change it from Brees to something else already and plus, I already created this one so why not?
I apolize for everything, and this will be the last time something like this happens again. :D Thanks!
Oh and BTW, I have no proof that I am these people but the fact they should share the same I.P. address as me.