Merged: Dolphins Trade Satele to Raiders for 6th round pick and swap 4th round picks | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Dolphins Trade Satele to Raiders for 6th round pick and swap 4th round picks


Mar 21, 2005
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Per rotoworld they say we might be in the market for trading Satele to a zone blocking team because he does not fit our system even at gaurd. I am wondering what team or teams could be interested and what could we get for him?
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If satele is healthy he is a trading chip, i want want a pretty good pick however because of his depth and versitability
very remote possibility he will be traded
let him hit the gym, get bigger & stronger, then compete
at very worst, he is an excellent backup & as a last resort a trade option
barry jackson mentioned something similar in the miami herald today. it was a little blurb, not sure if there is a link to it.
Miami Herald: Chatter

Per rotoworld they say we might be in the market for trading Satele to a zone blocking team because he does not fit our system even at gaurd. I am wondering what team or teams could be interested and what could we get for him?
The Dolphins very well may end up trading Satele but IMO it is not because he doesn't fit our system but because his value to team would be greater in a trade than his value would be to stay on as a backup, despite his verstatility. Also, according to the Miami Herald...
It's under the lead story.
• After adding Jake Grove, the Dolphins want Samson Satele to compete with Donald Thomas for the guard spot opposite Justin Smiley, barring a Satele trade.
Minnesota is a zone blocking team and just lost Birk.
Minnesota not only lost Birk but Childress has said he wants to bring another QB into camp.

Minnesota would also have nothing to lose really in trading places with the Dolphins in the 1st round as they don't share the same interests in draft picks with either of the two teams between us.

I could see Satele and Beck and maybe our 5th and 7th for Minnesota's 2nd rounder and trade places in the 1st round. That way the Dolphins will pick ahead of NE in the 1st round.
I wouldn't trade Satele. Just because he was a demoted starter doesn't mean we need to ship him off. We need all the offensive line depth we can get and he has the potential to be a solid back up not only at center, but as guard as well. Unless we get a 2nd or 3rd round offer(highly unlikely) you have to keep him.
Satelle will NOT go for a 2nd. Maybe a low 3rd. Teams don't trade high draft pick to a team looking to trade and the guy is coming off a torn labrum and a weak season.
Minnesota not only lost Birk but Childress has said he wants to bring another QB into camp.

Minnesota would also have nothing to lose really in trading places with the Dolphins in the 1st round as they don't share the same interests in draft picks with either of the two teams between us.

I could see Satele and Beck and maybe our 5th and 7th for Minnesota's 2nd rounder and trade places in the 1st round. That way the Dolphins will pick ahead of NE in the 1st round.

This is a GREAT idea. I would consider it a HUGE success if we could somehow trade Beck and Satele to Minnesota for maybe their 3rd rounder and switching places with them in the 1st.

If we can't get at least a 3rd for Satele though, I would NOT trade him. He is much more valuable to us as a backup and depth than a 4th or 5th rounder. Although we did get a starter in the 6th last year (Thomas), Groves is injury-prone and it is more likely than not that Satele will end up starting 1-2 games, maybe more for us next year.
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