The man has no belly button
I like this idea!You guys should just create a "Rex Ryan is Fat" thread and sticky it. Then when you find new, creative examples you can just add it into the archive.
Everyone loves the fat guy.
I agree.I like this idea!
.Man Rex Ryan shows up to a Carolina Hockey game and its big news in Florida. These guys hate and are obsessed with Rex lol.
You guys should just create a "Rex Ryan is Fat" thread and sticky it. Then when you find new, creative examples you can just add it into the archive.
Everyone loves to dump on the fat slob.
Good idea, but taking it further, maybe we can start a "Rex Ryan is Fat because" sticky thread. I can start it off:
1. he's a self indulgent bloated buffoon whose personal lack of self control manifested both caloric and verbally is, at some point, bound to affect his work quality.
2. he obviously has no pride in himself or his appearance, which will inevitably soon spill over to a downward spiral of pride in his professional ahccomplishments so long as his employer, fans and media continue to enable him.
3. of an underlying childhood deprivational dysfunction, probably attributable to the unhealthy influence of a retard-like daddy creating an addictive oral fixation compensatory mechanism as a substitute for healthy and normal emotional parental support.
4. he's a selfish, visually-disgusting sloth who cares not that his excessive personal indulgences, from an actuarial standpoint will, more likely than not, make his wife a widow and children fatherless sooner than later.
how's that for a starters W3? Good suggestion.:up: