Miami Still Involved With 2 Snow Games | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Miami Still Involved With 2 Snow Games


Perennial All-Pro
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Nothing to complain about with the schedule really. The Seattle and SF games are back to back and Miami does not play at the MEadowlands, NE or Buffalo in December which is excellent.

But, Miami plays at Denver in December and at Baltimore in Week 17. Those are no chump teams to play against in the snow.

I personally would rather have Miami play the Jets or Bills in snow than the Broncos or Ravens.
But, the division games are MUCH more important than those two games ever will be.

Baltimore and Denver may have snow and cold... but they are rarely the BLIZZARDS that the upper northeast seems to get every year in december on the week we play them.
Originally posted by grooves12
But, the division games are MUCH more important than those two games ever will be.

Baltimore and Denver may have snow and cold... but they are rarely the BLIZZARDS that the upper northeast seems to get every year in december on the week we play them.

Isn't baltimore in the upper northeast? :confused:
Baltimore is in MD and is often known as the most southern Northern city or most northern Southern city since it's right in the middle of the SE and NE.
Whatever guys. This scheule stuff is all overblown anyway. We just remeber what has most recently happened. I've personally sat in the old Foxboro stadium in week 17 where it has been in the 60's, 50's and in the 20's. It doesn't automatically snow in New England every Sunday in December. I wouldn't be surprised if the weather for that Ravens game isn't bad at all.
Baltimore only averages 3.5 inches of snow in Decemeber... compare that to Buffalo's 22.5
I lived in Denver for several years. December is about as likely to get a blizzard as to get weather in the 60's. The weather there is nothing like Buffalo or Foxborough.
I also did quite a bit of work in the D.C. area over the years. Again, that weather may get cold and wet, but nothing like the northeast...
Yeah, but there might not even be snow in Denver then. It's not as north as NE. Will be slightly cold though.
It is likely that Denver and Baltimore will be cold when we play there. We may not have to play away at NE or Buffalo in December, but we haven't avoided the cold weather. The Denver game could be just as bad as a game in NE or Buffalo in terms of weather, I am pretty sure that some Broncos home games last year were in the single digits in terms of temperature. As for Baltimore, the weather isn't as bad there as it is in Buffalo, but snow definitely isn't rare in Maryland.
I really don't get all this talk about Baltimore as a big bad cold weather game. I moved from Macon, GA to Richmond, VA last year -- it's no big deal. Mind you, I understand that a lot of you might be from South Florida so you'd think even Macon was cold. There still just isn't any comparison between Baltimore and Boston/Buffalo/even New Jersey.

Jan 2 will be fine. I really hope I'm there to see this "snow game"! :D
Originally posted by RUDEbyallMEANS
Nothing to complain about with the schedule really. The Seattle and SF games are back to back and Miami does not play at the MEadowlands, NE or Buffalo in December which is excellent.

But, Miami plays at Denver in December and at Baltimore in Week 17. Those are no chump teams to play against in the snow.

I personally would rather have Miami play the Jets or Bills in snow than the Broncos or Ravens.

It may not even snow.
IF the GM, Coach, and players do their jobs, Baltimore may not matter anyways...we'll be coasting and not HAVE to win the game....who knows ?? (Ok, little overoptimistic, but what the hey !)
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