Michael Oliva | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Michael Oliva

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May 17, 2004
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Mike Oliva,

After reading your entire interview with Schad, and reading both message board discussions on the interview, (and reading your other comments at Phinzone/Finheaven for the past 2 years or so) I really feel the need to question you as a person. Honestly... I am speaking the truth here (not trying to be funny, not being baised), but some of your questions and the way they were worded, and they way you present yourself on the forums are absolutely asinine.

And, Mike, I can truthfully say that u are included in the handfull of the most ignorant people on all/any message boards I have ever come across. Although this may/may not be insulting, I swear I am not knocking on you for the hell of it. I'm saying this because I really feel, at least with the way you present yourself over the internet, you need to question your beliefs and change your ways.

Never once, not one time, have I seen you legitamately admit to a mistake. Never have I seen you even come remotely close to changing your stance on an argument, even when you were obviously pushed back in a hole to the point it was blatantly unreasonable to continue your stance. (as a fellow-poster, it is progressively frustrating)

I am not going to go post any examples of your stupididty because I already know what your stupidity consists of. I am not trying to persuade anyone to be against you. I am soley writing this because it's gotten to the point where I feel the need to try and make you at least partially aware of how ignorant, unintelligent, etc. u sound over the internet.

You are relatively new to Finheaven, so many are not aware of your ignorance and ridiculousness, and I hope u change so they don't have to experience any of it, but judging from the past, that is unfortunately inevitable. You haven't changed a bit. And I will conclude with the words of my friend T-Rock: "Different Forum, same old M.O." It's a shame.
Dude has a clean slate with me. I never read anything on the other board.

I think some of his past posts/writings may have some effect on the judge rather than the accused.. :D
I will say a couple of things and then move this to the respective forum.

While some many come up with the conclusion that it's a different forum, Mike has changed a lot. This an ENTIRELY different operation, much different to that of the now non-existent PhinZone. His "duties" (or whatever you may call it) are also totally different.

I'm not so much defending his actions during the PhinZone era, nor am I defending him because he is now a staff member of FinHeaven. However, I'm defending him because of who he is as a person. Once talking to Mike on a more personal level and talking to others that REALLY knew him (and of whom I really trusted), I've gotten to know a different side.

So, in the end... you can either take him as the same person that was with PhinZone or give him a chance with FinHeaven. In my honest opinion, Mike deserves a new chance...

Andrew Tatum
Whatever..... AJ, I really wish you would have left that thread in the main forum. Let'em air their laundry and get it over with.

Then again, this lingering phinzone animosity (for whatever reason) does get old.

Awe, screw it. :lol:
Personally, I think you (killswitch) need to get over yourself.

Who do you think you are, calling people out?? You think you can call ANYONE stupid on this board?? What makes you so special??

Honestly, if you have a problem with the guy....PM HIM. Or if he's violating house rules, PM us or report the post.

The fact that you did this out in public, in the MAIN FORUM, lends itself to alterior motives. You obviously have no intention of PMing Mike or anyone you have a problem with because there's no chance you can an a** out of them that way. And nobody else can pile on in private.

So again, be a man and keep your personal crap off these boards. Got it??
I don't know Mike, but he seems fine to me. Smacking anyone on the main forum is cheap.

If I have a problem with anyone, you can bet I'll let them know without making it a spectacle.
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