Mort: Alex Smith is the guy for SF | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Mort: Alex Smith is the guy for SF

Da 'Fins

FinHeaven VIP
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Apr 29, 2003
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Mortensen, on ESPN Radio, says Smith has the edge and unless there is a big contract squabble, he'll be the #1 pick.

He also said that he doubts Saban would look at QB unless Smith is there. Saban's not interested in Rodgers. He would probably go RB and that would likely be Ronnie Brown - IF he can't trade the pick.

Of course, if Smith goes to the 49ers, the trade value of our pick goes down.
With as many times as the "experts" have flip flopped between Rodgers and Smith for San Fran, you have to wonder if anyone knows what they're talking about. I like to think Mort would be the guy to listen to, but if that's the case, there goes our trade. I guess we'll see on Saturday. So close............
I think it will be Brown, but I'm telling you. Do not be surprised to see him take Antrell Rolle. I see Nick as a guy who will value corners and defensive linemen more than running backs, and no one knows how high he has Rolle Rated.
Hmmmm....who here has been saying for MONTHS that Smith is the 49ers guy, irrespective of the NUMEROUS reports claiming otherwise?

(Boomer :woot: )
I finally decided today that Id like to see Benson drafted if we pick a RB first. :)
KB21 said:
I think it will be Brown, but I'm telling you. Do not be surprised to see him take Antrell Rolle. I see Nick as a guy who will value corners and defensive linemen more than running backs, and no one knows how high he has Rolle Rated.
it's interesting you mentioned that.

I was thinking about this yesterday. I would be suprised to see Saban take him at #2 but as you say, no one knows.
Surferosa said:
I finally decided today that Id like to see Benson drafted if we pick a RB first. :)

This could be misinformation, but this is what I've heard. Scouts like Benson and believe that he has the best feet of all the running backs, but they do not think he has that extra gear when in the open field. They love his burst out of his stance, but they realize that he can't sustain his speed.

Also, I've read where Nick Saban has had his scouts and coaches study Ronnie Brown intently, and the word is they feel they can maximize all his abilities within their offense. Again, it could be misinformation, but that's what I've either read or heard.
DiepatriotsDie said:
With as many times as the "experts" have flip flopped between Rodgers and Smith for San Fran, you have to wonder if anyone knows what they're talking about. I like to think Mort would be the guy to listen to, but if that's the case, there goes our trade. I guess we'll see on Saturday. So close............

It's true, what you say about the "experts," but Mort went on to say that several teams don't have Rodgers rated as a franchise QB and have him rated as end of the 1st, top of the 2nd talent.

Given that, I think SF going with Rodgers has zero chance. It would be a huge mistake by them. Too bad for us. Alex Smith, over time, will become a very good QB.

I also think we'll know before Saturday. Mort indicated that the 49ers really want to sign the guy or get very close on contract parameters before they pick him. We will probably know by Thursday or Friday what's going to happen with that pick.
HelloMotto said:
would you guys be disappointed if we drafted A rodgers then? at #2?

I think I would. I'll put my trust in Saban, but that would be surprising and disappointing.

To be honest, I'm already disappointed that it looks like the 49ers will go with Smith. I think that hinders our working the draft to our advantage.
KB21 said:
This could be misinformation, but this is what I've heard. Scouts like Benson and believe that he has the best feet of all the running backs, but they do not think he has that extra gear when in the open field. They love his burst out of his stance, but they realize that he can't sustain his speed.

Also, I've read where Nick Saban has had his scouts and coaches study Ronnie Brown intently, and the word is they feel they can maximize all his abilities within their offense. Again, it could be misinformation, but that's what I've either read or heard.

Having said all that, woulnt it be funny if Saban is highest on Caddy? :lol:

With regards to Bensons "long distance" speed, I think people make too much out of it. People said that about Ricky as well coming out of college, and the stigma actually stuck for a few years - until he broke a few big runs in 2003.

Thats ultimately why I changed my opinion about Benson. Dont kow what Saban's thinking though...
If this is true, I'll be alittle disappointed because I was starting to like the idea of drafting Smith, but I have no objections to a RB and there are gonna be some good QBs in the 3-5 round.
Not necessarily

Our trade value doesn't go down necessarily. Many GMs have Edwards as the best player on the board. There has already been rumors that Minnesota is interested in selecting him via trade. I have a feeling this is all smoke and mirrors too regarding this 49er selection. :cooldude:
HelloMotto said:
would you guys be disappointed if we drafted A rodgers then? at #2?
I would be... I am really not Rodgers biggest fan. I wuld rather Barron, Johnson and Rolle, tbh.
Saturday it was Rodgers. Sunday it was Edwards. Now today it is Smith. This is all BS.

SF doesnt want Smith because they feel that he wont be ready to start until 1-2 more seasons. They think that Rodgers can start as a rookie. SF doesnt have any good veterens that could 'groom' him. That is why Rodgers is their guy.
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