Must listen to interview: Mike Florio in regards to Jeff Fisher | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Must listen to interview: Mike Florio in regards to Jeff Fisher

It seems Ross' desire to land Fisher is out of fear of losing, rather than his desire to win. Ross knows that if he picked a young coordinator and that guys fails, Ross will never hear the end of an angry fanbase. Ross is too afraid to take a risk imo, and will hedge his choice by picking an experienced coach who will guaruntee mediocrity.
UM....actually it makes ZERO sense....

RIIIIGHT...makes zero sense...Brees walks what do the Saints do? Start Chase Daniels..PLEASE...Manning would fit there, Manning would probably want to play there...I mean playing with your HOME TOWN TEAM is something pretty special...and the fact that he could go there and compete right away for a Super Bowl WITH that team...makes sense...But I guess Brian Schotteinhemer will be coaching in New Orleans by then too...
It seems Ross' desire to land Fisher is out of fear of losing, rather than his desire to win. Ross knows that if he picked a young coordinator and that guys fails, Ross will never hear the end of an angry fanbase. Ross is too afraid to take a risk imo, and will hedge his choice by picking an experienced coach who will guaruntee mediocrity.

And by the way most of our fans have reacted...can you blame him? I mean our team cant win for losing...when we start losing fans are screaming for peoples heads...we start winning and my god the reactions around were insane...Our team spoiled us from the 70s-90s with continuity and winning....I mean for gods sake people still hate the Stache even though he went 42-31 in 4 years with 2 playoff apperances and gave us our last play off PLEASE DO NOT GET ME WRONG...Im not saying Wannstedt was that great of a head coach because HE WASNT...but he did have a winning record and won a playoff game...
Look, to be credible as a media source you have to be fair and rational. Is Florio really going to criticize Miami for hiring one of the most respected men (not just coaches) in the league? Seriously? I am all for fair criticism, but you can take away Florio's credibility for making Miami seem like bumbling idiots for hiring Fisher. You can rest assured that he would ridicule Miami if they hired Joe Philbin, following his "heads I win, tails you lose approach." To portray Miami as some idiot keystone cops for hiring Jeff Fisher is ludicrous. He is highly respected and without question a solid coach. Fisher brings instant credibility, competence and organization to Miami's football operations.

Is Jeff Fisher less of a leader than Florio's biased, can't do anything wrong guy, Mike Tomlin? Of course, Fisher is highly comparable to Tomlin.

Fisher may not have been my first choice, but he is credible, which is more than we can say about Mike Florio, who is a drama queen without any football credentials. He is a failed attorney who started a gossip site about football in the Appalachian state of West Virginia.
Look, to be credible as a media source you have to be fair and rational. Is Florio really going to criticize Miami for hiring one of the most respected men (not just coaches) in the league? Seriously? I am all for fair criticism, but you can take away Florio's credibility for making Miami seem like bumbling idiots for hiring Fisher. You can rest assured that he would ridicule Miami if they hired Joe Philbin, following his "heads I win, tails you lose approach." To portray Miami as some idiot keystone cops for hiring Jeff Fisher is ludicrous. He is highly respected and without question a solid coach. Fisher brings instant credibility, competence and organization to Miami's football operations.

Is Jeff Fisher less of a leader than Florio's biased, can't do anything wrong guy, Mike Tomlin? Of course, Fisher is highly comparable to Tomlin.

Fisher may not have been my first choice, but he is credible, which is more than we can say about Mike Florio, who is a drama queen without any football credentials. He is a failed attorney who started a gossip site about football in the Appalachian state of West Virginia.

HAHAHAHA!!! Post of the year right here!
Someone explain to me what the "good" or "right" move is. We went with the college guy and failed. We then tried 2 coordinates and they both failed. So how is anyone in position to say what is good or bad when we have tried everything and struck out.

It is also hard to listen to this fan base telling people what is right or wrong because this is the same fan base that thought the majority of our drafts were great and that Chad Henne was the answer. Well we are a below .500 team and Chad Henne most likely won't be back next year.

I'll take Jeff Fishers experience and playoff appearances over what we have done over the past 10 years.
LoL typical dolphins fans.

blame the media for the fualts you possess.

the media isnt blind and biased - YOU ARE.

some of us have been saying this.

honestly - toub is prob the best candidate i bet. he probably possess the right qualities and such that future HC's have, and he may be a top candidate in NFL circles, same with Bowles. but we will pass on those to just to try and find a big name.

we will see how all this pans out - im not even sure a non-play caller like philbin is the right move. if we had better fans like the steelers etc, we might be able to bring the right guy in, but b/c phins fans will only buy tickets if ESPN, and NFLN, and reporters (even though they HATE these ppl) are hyped up on the name of the coach.

so ross goes for a name not a fit - we'll see how it pans out.

we are looking for a HC, that means experience counts, so what's wrong with looking at the only guy with HC experience we tried the other way and look what happened.
The guy that has everything gain or loose is Ross. not florio or us, so the guy that spent the billion gets to do what he wants because he's the one putting his money on the line.
If you or Florio are wrong what will it cost you and will Florio retract what he's saying should he be wrong, no there is no price to pay for being a pundit just like Laconfora these people are not reporters and their opinion is as good as mine or yours. What makes you think Toub would be a good HC the fact that he did a good job as a ST coach?
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