Brave Rifles
I woke up Friday morning expecting to have signed Haynesworth and Brown, a slew of other big name FA's, a trade for Boldin and Ashomogu for this years and next years 3rd round pick was minutes away from being finalized, and we traded Beck to Detroit for their 2nd round and a conditional pick and found out none of those has happened. And I'm thinking to myself, what the heck is this FO doing. Then it dawned on me, maybe, just maybe these guys really have a plan that was developed from day one Parcells and Ireland took over and they are not straying from the path they believe will make us winners. Call me crazy, but there is a slight chance Parcells and Ireland know what they are looking for and they know what they are doing. Have faith and see where they lead us. I dont remember any team that bought a Superbowl by getting every top FA in the offseason, let me know if I'm wrong on this.