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NBA Playoffs


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Aug 18, 2018
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Anyone else got caught up in this.

OMG this dude Antohny Edwards is amazing.

The Thuder are also awesome, they have a badass too in SGA

Then you have the Mavs with Luka and the Nuggets defending the title with the Joker. Brunson for NYK is a dawg.

These are building up to be the best playoffs in a very long time for the NBA.
I can't watch that sport anymore. The constant traveling, no defense and flopping isn't real basketball. The NBA has lost the fundamentals.

Loved watch the Bull defense shut down any opponent.
I can't watch that sport anymore. The constant traveling, no defense and flopping isn't real basketball. The NBA has lost the fundamentals.

Loved watch the Bull defense shut down any opponent.

Thatā€™s the way I feel but if youā€™re not watching Antohny Edwards youā€™re missing out. Heā€™s lured me back in. Phenomenal talent with the intensity of the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s.
Thatā€™s the way I feel but if youā€™re not watching Antohny Edwards youā€™re missing out. Heā€™s lured me back in. Phenomenal talent with the intensity of the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s.

I'll check out one of his games in the near future.
Huge NBA fan but this was the worst postseason Iā€™ve ever watched in my life. Iā€™m an NBA League pass deep type of guy and I can honestly say I watched 1 game in the Finals and zero ECF games.

Not impressed at all watching a team plow through the easiest pathway to a title in the history of professional sports. No Jimmy, Mitchell, Haliburton, and then the weakest team to come out of the West in decades! Ugh. I hate Boston but Iā€™ll usually give props where itā€™s due but I just refuse here.

Brad Stevens is the real MVP trading for KP and Jrue basically giving up nothing. Joe Cronin ruined this NBA season by trading Dame to Milwaukee, effectively making them worse, then allowing Jrue to go to Boston for peanuts, all so that he can be a spiteful little ****. Once Julius Randle went down for the season I knew right there that it was going to be cake for Boston.

Denver not re-signing or replacing Bruce Brown is an underrated disaster as well. That in itself killed them.

Zero competition in the league this past season. Not memorable at all. Thankfully itā€™s over and hopeful of offseason shake ups to make it more competitive again. Though I donā€™t expect the Heat to do **** since Wade isnā€™t around to GM anymore.
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