NHL lockout ... Or, "Show me the MONEY!" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

NHL lockout ... Or, "Show me the MONEY!"


Looks at bottle ... *sigh*
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Jun 17, 2003
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West Virginia
Unfortunately Bump, it doesn't look like we will get to have our FH NHL rivalry for a little while. I think the season will probably start somewhere around Christmas.
A month later ...

ZIP. ZILCH. NADA. Greedy bastards.


I want my hockey.
I know what ya mean.....CAPS fan here and i'm really missing those road trips to DC. :boohoo:
send them the same message that the fans sent baseball years ago. apathy. don't watch or buy tickets when they come back. ignore them for one season.
send them the same message that the fans sent baseball years ago. apathy. don't watch or buy tickets when they come back. ignore them for one season.

that would actually be awesome, it could mark the end of Bettman's career and boy do we need/want that...
What sucks is there were record profits last season, NBCSports TV and that still isnt enough. I love hockey but even I may have to take a break for a few years. Go Red Wings!!!
They are saying that a CBA has to be in place by Jan. 11 to have a season. Hopefully it gets done soon. From what I'm reading, it sounds like they're moving in the right direction.
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