Yeah thats right no HC in 07 for the phins let the Off coach run the offense and the Def Coach run the Defense and the Special Teams coach run the Special teams. When they want to make a huge decision like fgoing for it on 4th down two of them can confer and agree then the appropriate coach can make the decision. If we lose they all take the blame if they win they all take the credit-it will be a revolutionary approach to a team I know but it can work. If Huezinga has the go nads to go through with it or even think about it, that would be great. It wouldn't be popular at first but this can work out-the team would feel more responsible for their actions knowing that the HC isnt gonna be canned for their play but actually they will be canned for their play.
I know im gonna get bashed but ive thought about this for about half a year before i even wanted to post or tell any1 about this. Well I am confident that splitting up the duties and everyone being responsible for their own roles on the team is much more productive than having a HC. Now if Wayne can just get a hold of this idea and think about it before we go find a retread coach to come in and bring us more mediocrity.
I know im gonna get bashed but ive thought about this for about half a year before i even wanted to post or tell any1 about this. Well I am confident that splitting up the duties and everyone being responsible for their own roles on the team is much more productive than having a HC. Now if Wayne can just get a hold of this idea and think about it before we go find a retread coach to come in and bring us more mediocrity.