Nomination: Sports Authority | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Nomination: Sports Authority

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I am Groot
Club Member
Jan 22, 2004
Reaction score
This award is for the person you feel contributed the best posts in the following forums: College Sports, General NFL, Other Sports, Fantasy Sports and Beasts of the AFC East. Which outstanding poster do you think is the best sports fanatic in 2018?

The nomination process is as follows. All you have to do is type in the name of the person you are nominating. Each member can nominate up to 3 posters. Please keep the conversation to a minimum as that will make this process more difficult. The top three vote receivers will receive the nominations and go to the next round to pick just one winner

All nominations must be in by January 21st at 9 am


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Guy can recount situations from any sport/year and give a detailed recollection. Also give good betting advice.
3 names guys if you can

Fin 1971 would have been my forth choice for his excellent go cart racing thread and also posting in the golf and fishing threads
GasPed posted some cool fishing stuff from the keys trip
Slimm and Namor contribute lots to the college football threads as do FSU , Bob Dole and Buddy
Perfect23 , datruth , phins 4 ever and Micheal Scott chime in on the Hurricane forum. NY . Birdmon and Danny68 for golfing

Just to name a few
Fins1971, because I respect anybody who races Go-Karts hard enough to break bones
Slimm, because the CFB forum would be boring without him
CO-Gator, for the same reason
Thank Doug but I'm retired. Appreciate it.
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