Norv: 'I don't root for Washington' | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Norv: 'I don't root for Washington'

Works out.

We don't root for him any more either. ;)
Speak for yourself. I can't root against the guy calling the plays.:eek:
In that case......

Spurrier is a god-like NFL coordinator and playcaller....not to mention head coach. His protection schemes are excellent, just ask his QB. Amazing how after 4 consecutive losses, the Redskins finally won a game. Maybe that was because Spurrier turned over playcalling duties to his offensive coordinator that day.

Originally posted by Muck
In that case......

Spurrier is a god-like NFL coordinator and playcaller....not to mention head coach. His protection schemes are excellent, just ask his QB. Amazing how after 4 consecutive losses, the Redskins finally won a game. Maybe that was because Spurrier turned over playcalling duties to his offensive coordinator that day.


I thought Spurrier turned over his play calling duties AFTER they won that game. Last week was when he wasn't calling the plays and they lost to Carolina and Stephen Davis.
I know during the win (which was a comeback) that he wasn't calling the plays because Sean Salisbury was harping on it on Monday Evening QB. I think he made one key call. But the OC was doing the job that day. :)
Originally posted by Muck
In that case......

Spurrier is a god-like NFL coordinator and playcaller....not to mention head coach. His protection schemes are excellent, just ask his QB. Amazing how after 4 consecutive losses, the Redskins finally won a game. Maybe that was because Spurrier turned over playcalling duties to his offensive coordinator that day.


Actually, it's not.

It's because Seattle D coordinator Ray Rhodes is an arrogant doofus who figured he'd not blitz the Redskins because, well, it's just not his style.

Forget the fact that every other team that HAS blitzed us silly other than N. England has disrupted the offense entirely. Rhodes figured he didn't need to follow the example the league set for him. And Holmgren let him get away with it. They let Ramsey get comfortable, and he beat them.

THAT's why we beat Seatlle ... that and a huge hustle play by Laveranues Coles in causing a fumble at the goal line on an INT return that would have put us down 21-3, but instead turned out to be a touchback that we subsequently turned into an 80-yard TD drive that made it 14-10 and put is right back in the game.

So no ... it really wasn't about Spurrier on that one. It was about Seattle.

By the way ... when someone makes a comment about something, like say for instance when I did about Norv (which was said in something called "humor" - pretty cool concept, you should check it out), you might want to consider that responding, in essence, with "yeah, well, YOU'RE guy sucks, too," as you did, colors your debating skills with the patina of middle-school.

If you want to talk about the Redskins, hey, ask away, and I'll tell you my opinions. Unless of course you're one of those fans who already knows everything there is to know about someone else's team, and doesn't have the need to hear from someone who actually follows them.
Originally posted by -Om-

By the way ... when someone makes a comment about something, like say for instance when I did about Norv (which was said in something called "humor" - pretty cool concept, you should check it out), you might want to consider that responding, in essence, with "yeah, well, YOU'RE guy sucks, too," as you did, colors your debating skills with the patina of middle-school.

By the way ... when someone heaps mock praise about an opponent, like say for instance what Muck said about Spurrier (which was said in something called "sarcasm" pretty cool concept, you should check it out), you might want to consider that responding, in essence, with "yeah, well, I didn't get the joke" as you did, colors you with the patina of over-sensitivity.

Perhaps. Or maybe I was just trying to get a rise outta the guy.

I'm not sure I should argue with you, though. Anyone who uses the language that well is clearly to be feared.

Maybe I should find someone to stand in for me, too. :)

So you're telling me that Spurrier WAS calling the plays?? You telling me that Spurrier's protection schemes HAVEN'T been widely criticized?? You telling me that Patrick Ramsey HASN'T taken a beating this year?? I just want to make sure that's what you're saying.

Funny how you accuse me of having no sense of humor when you clearly missed the humor in my post (which was pretty much entirely sarcastic and silly). The toothy smilie should have been the clincher.

And then when somebody calls you out on it, you backpeddle....saying you were just trying to get a rise out of me.

You can't have it both ways dude.

And if you would have read the first line in my post, you would have realized that I was originally under the impression that you were a Dolfan. And when I got clued in, I had some fun with it. But even though I was joking around, I still stand by what I said. Your line can't block and Spurrier has been outcoached.
What can I say ... I was feeling unloved, Muck. :)

I had left several posts over the last couple of days and not gotten a single nibble in response. Then on this one, when someone DID respond ... it was a dismissive wave of the hand with a couple superficial potshots at my team.

Truth is, I like to talk about football and maybe have a couple laughs at the same time. And I'd like to respond to each of your questions (which I'm sure you ask out of genuine curiousity, right? ;) ) .... but it's 12:40am and I'm tired and my fingers keep missing the keys and seem to have a mind of therri nwo.


So I'll get a good night's sleep and hope to find you here tomorrow ... and maybe we can get past this awkward introduction phase and actually talk some ball.

Buenas noches.
Spurrier most likely will return to college ball anyway next year because he just "...aint having any fun." as he put it.

I think he now realises that the NFL is alot tougher then College.

Muck forgive me for saying so, but we really shouldnt be saying anyones line cant block. The skins are worse but not by much.
Damn, -Om-... how'd you get off on the wrong foot here all of a sudden? I remember enjoying your insightful posts on Norv, Derrius Thompson and Sage Rosenfels in the past.

I think the contentiousness in this thread is behind us all now, so... how do you think the game shapes up? Prediction?

And... do you guys not miss Gardener now as much as we don't miss Gardener now?:D
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