𓆝𓆝𓆝 Official Fishing Thread 𓆝𓆝𓆝 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

𓆝𓆝𓆝 Official Fishing Thread 𓆝𓆝𓆝


Let's go Dolphins
Super Donator
Club Member
Feb 29, 2008
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Post your best fishing pictures but the catch is there has to be a good story to go with it'

I'll start


Fishing in a Dolphin Rodeo contest off of Fort Lauderdale we were not having much luck. The winds were up and there was no weed lines to be found. The contest was nearing an end and the biggest Dolphin we had caught the day before in the two day event was only 20 lb's so things were looking bleak. We were out about 10 miles in the shipping channels when we came across a bag of garbage probably thrown over board by a passing freighter. Noticing lots of small fish gathering under it we put out our lines. i lowered the down rigger with a google eye sporting a red skirt. The fish above was soon on and i hauled it in. We hurried back to the weight in at Miami Beach marina and just got there in time.
Usually a 43 lb Dolphin would not be in the top grouping but because of the poor weather I did manage 3rd place :brewskis:
Post your best fishing pictures but the catch is there has to be a good story to go with it'

I'll start


Fishing in a Dolphin Rodeo contest off of Fort Lauderdale we were not having much luck. The winds were up and there was no weed lines to be found. The contest was nearing an end and the biggest Dolphin we had caught the day before in the two day event was only 20 lb's so things were looking bleak. We were out about 10 miles in the shipping channels when we came across a bag of garbage probably thrown over board by a passing freighter. Noticing lots of small fish gathering under it we put out our lines. i lowered the down rigger with a google eye sporting a red skirt. The fish above was soon on and i hauled it in. We hurried back to the weight in at Miami Beach marina and just got there in time.
Usually a 43 lb Dolphin would not be in the top grouping but because of the poor weather I did manage 3rd place :brewskis:
Nice fish! I haven't been blue water fishing in about 10 years but did catch about a 20 lb black tuna last time I was out with my brother. We were trolling ballyhoo out Jupiter inlet. Got a few small kingfish that day as well on live greenies.

My brother just got a 32' SeaVee so I need to head back down and fish with him. He is always asking me to come down and I'm always working.
That's what I'm talkin about. Bet that Tuna ran around the boat three or four times before you got him in. Even the one's half that size fight like hell.
It's been a while for me as well. I fished Savannah last year which is 3 hours away but didn't have much luck. There is a lady Captain there that I spoke to . Her name is Captain Judy and she has four decent charter boats. When I can get two or three others interested I'll give that a try for $600 a half day.
Thanks for posting Buddy :up:
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They have a charter here that does half a day duck hunting and half a day fishing. They catch some huge redfish and speckled trout in the flats here. I think it's $750 for up to 3 people. Not bad and sounds like fun.
Great thread...I'll post some pic's mid march. I got an infraction for posting something someone thought inappropriate so I'm restricted for now. :lol:
For you fresh water guys


When i get a minute I'll tell the story of how a drunk and high 20 year old snatched this fish from the mouth of a 6 foot gator in the middle of a moonless night in the Everglades.
Being stuck out in Colorado for a period of time (and watching my fishing/scuba gear rot in the process) and then being blessed with raising my daughter for the past 2+ years here in Florida it's been a while since I've been out. That said, in a month I'm going out fishing with my brother and a few friends the third week of March before he gets married. I'm sure to bring home a few tales from that excursion.
Where were you at in Colorado ? i use to go to visit Boulder for two week every year. My friend lived about 3 houses down from where they filmed Mork and Mindy until he moved out to Clarksville. Night time skiing at Eldora was a blast.
Where were you at in Colorado ? i use to go to visit Boulder for two week every year. My friend lived about 3 houses down from where they filmed Mork and Mindy until he moved out to Clarksville. Night time skiing at Eldora was a blast.

Parker for and Colorado Springs. I liked Eldora; it was nice and close. The traffic on 1-70 is almost always horrendous, but of course I visited quite a lot of the places out there when I could. Breck, Copper, Vail, Keystone, etc. I probably liked Winter Park the best for skiing as it was a little more off the beaten path. Beautiful place. I loved Colorado for about 3 maybe 4 months out of the year. I ****ing hate cold weather. :lol: Boulder was nice. The sidewalk salesman have kinda ruined the place but it's a very unique town with great food and beer.
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I have a few fishing stories. I had a week of training in Hampton Beach area about 20 years ago. I took my wife and young daughter along for the trip. They played at the pool and beach while I was at training during the day. Then we did stuff at night. One evening we planned a fishing trip. It was Blue Fish time there and the one company offered a 3 hour trip for a decent price. We boarded the boat and they took us out several miles. No fish at the first spot so they moved us to another area further out. Finally there was almost a churn of Blue Fish in the sea. People were catching them left and right. The helpers on the boat could hardly keep up with pulling in fish. This was one of those trips where people were jammed elbow to elbow. I ended up bringing in a decent sized Blue Fish after a good fight. Wife and daughter were enjoying the trip. Then it came time to go back. The boat seemed to hit something or one of the 2 motors just gave out, not sure which. The boat started going in circles since it was a twin engine fishing boat. Smoke was coming out of the engine room. We were stranded. People on the boat started panicking. I was surprised that my young daughter wasn't scared at all. They eventually called the coast guard and got a tow back to mainland but we were 10 miles down the shoreline. So they had to send a bunch of vehicles down to pick everyone up and bring them back to the dock where we boarded. The 3 hour trip was supposed to be from 6-9 PM but when we finally got back to the hotel is was 3:30 in the morning. Needless to say I was tired the next day. But I'll never forget my daughters bravery on that trip and the 20-30 minutes when the Blue Fish were practically jumping into our boat.
That sounded kind of like Gillian's Island " a three hour tour " :lol:
It was probably tough with your kids along. I got a few engine trouble stories myself. That's one reason i was skeptical about Rob Konrad swimming story. We broke down out in the gulf stream off Miami and by the time the CG got to us the boat had drifted almost 20 miles north. I guess he wasn't out that far.
Blue fishing is frantic if they are biting. Your description of a "churn" is perfect.They call them choppers because they'll basically bite anything you throw at them. They would hit a beer can if you toss it to them :hump:
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I had always mentioned that I went out there to visit but as I'm slowly coming out of my shell I'll go ahead and spill some beans about myself. Parker for 3 years and Colorado Springs for 2. I liked Eldora; it was nice and close. The traffic on 1-70 is almost always horrendous, but of course I visited quite a lot of the places out there when I could. Breck, Copper, Vail, Keystone, etc. I probably liked Winter Park the best for skiing as it was a little more off the beaten path. Beautiful place. I loved Colorado for about 3 maybe 4 months out of the year. I ****ing hate cold weather. :lol: Boulder was nice. The sidewalk salesman have kinda ruined the place but it's a very unique town with great food and beer.

I skiied all those place except Vail plus Loveland. The pass was always closed when i got out there. Got a cool story about getting some under a blanket on the stage at Red Rocks about 6 am on the way to a trip skiing but that belongs in the lounge :)
Sorry i keep bring these stories back to my personal experiences but I'm older and settled now and don't get to do the fun things i use to. Shula I once timed a vacation in order to go skiing one day and be in the Bahamma's deep sea fishing the next (actually after travel it might have been two days later).
That sounded kind of like Gillian's Island " a three hour tour " :lol:
It was probably tough with your kids along. I got a few engine trouble stories myself. That's one reason i was skeptical about Rob Konrad swimming story. We broke down out in the gulf stream off Miami and by the time the CG got to us the boat had drifted almost 20 miles north. I guess he wasn't out that far.
Blue fishing is frantic if they are biting. Your description of a "churn" is perfect.They call them choppers because they'll basically bite anything you throw at them. They would hit a beer can if you toss it to them :hump:

Yep, that trip always reminds me of Gillian's Island. One of my favorite sitcoms growing up.

Got another story from the Miami Beach area. Years ago we were buying lots of servers that had AMD processors in them instead of Intel. The AMD reps wanted to pay for some executives to go to AMD briefing at South Beach. It was last minute and none wanted to go. So the trip was offered down the ranks of our company. When it got to me I jumped at the opportunity. The conference was a lot of high ups from other companies and the other engineer that i went with were kind of out of place at the conference. But it was free, and it was the Ritz-Carlton on South Beach. On the final day of conference 1/2 day was devoted to your choice, SPA at Ritz, Golf at Corral Gables or deep Sea Fishing. Since this is a fishing story I picked the Deep Sea Fishing. Only 10 or so people choose the Fishing due to high waves that day. When we got to the docks on the bus they split us up on 4 boats. I was on a boat with my co worker and one other guy. When we got out there they had 4 out riggers going and we each got turns catching whatever fish they hooked. It was a lot better than those crowded trips I had been on previously. So this is how the rich people live, nice. I ended up catching a decent sized Spanish Mackerel which put up quite a fight considering the wind and waves. My buddy got sea sick as did a lot of the other people on the other boats. Two of the boats when back early because the sea was so rough and people wanted back to mainland. We ended up staying out the whole 4 hours after my co-worker got his second wind. Never got seas sick but remember feeling kind of queasy on the flight back that evening after braving 8-10 ft waves.
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