You know what really makes this Beck dicussion situation on FH such a divisive thing amoungst what should be a brotherhood of phinheads....and of course this is MHO.
I think its when so many people are so overly obsessed about a specific player, he developes a cult like following on here. Well when someone makes a legitimate critique of that player there will always be AT LEAST one person that will make personal attacks. Well alot of times that will cause the critique to turn up a notch. At that point it becomes a bad situation.
Now honestly I am guilty of ramming my thoughts on Beck down peoples throats. But, the thing is that months ago I simply made a few posts about how I didnt think Beck was anywhere near ready to start, and I truly just wanted to go ahead and get a new young guy in there to groom as our future QB. I just didnt see Becks potential to develope into a solid player despite whatever it is that his cult sees in him. Well, I was flamed over and over by MULTIPLE people that felt strongly(obviously) that Beck was our guy. And these were legit threads discussing our starter this year and who we may or may not draft that I made these initial-honest non-bashing critiques of Beck.
So instead of simply reporting post after post, I turned it up a notch and continually laid out there exactly how bad I thought Beck is. Well I will OWN the FACT that I probably shouldve just wasted time reporting a ton of posts that for no good reason took shots at me personally.......the problem is that the opposite will absolutely REFUSE to take the high road themselves and OWN what actually happened. And they DEFINATELY wont admit they were wrong about the whole point of the discussion....Becks abilities. Not that that matters so much, but the part of OWNING their own part of turning the discussion so bitter is what Im getting at.
And to prove they wont take the high road, just check out the sincere post I made the other day about wishing the best for Beck and I spoke about his great character etc etc.... NOT ONE reply or thanks from any Beck worshipers.
Instead it appears as if their position is going to be that they are gonna say it was a mistake by Parcells to get rid of Beck, that Beck still has potential and that it was THEY who were the level headed people in the whole argument, suggesting that they were kinda "on the fence" about the whole issue. When you can clearly see all the polls over the last few months where well over 50% voted Beck will start. Then they are going to try and turn the whole thing upside down and try to suggest that the whole problem around here is Beck bashers and that no one can take a level headed, middle of the road approach like THEY CAN. Complete BS. It kinda makes me sick.
You can already see their "leader" setting the tone for the whole shift of position. They slowly form their stance as the days get closer and Beck gets little to no time in practice each day. Ridiculous.
Honestly, I feel like its their "leader" is one of guys that sets the tone for these kinds of things happening at FH, just like it was under the old regime here. A consistant "cliche" or group that is ALWAYS right and ALWAYS seems to have a middle ground in the discussion, AFTER THE FACT of course that they are proven wrong on a given issue. They take such a strong approach and almost cohesively stand on one side and anyone who has a different view is made to be an outcast.
And if that given "outcast" just happens to be right, then they turn the tables, declare the middle ground, suggest that said "outcast" or group of them were the ones causing a problem and not being rational about the issue. Its really a disgrace and I thought alot of this was taken care of with that ALL KNOWING clan that jumped ship to form their own pathetic attempt at a FH. But, I guess they forgot to take their "guru" with them and he has his own cult working here still. Pathetic.
If they wind up being correct on the issue(which they rarely do of course) Im sure they continue to moch and belittle whoever disagreed with them.(I wouldnt know because the two times Ive been on the opposite side of the "following" around here I was dead on of course
) But, Im sure it has happened to some. The "following" is right a good bit of the time too. I can recognize that. Zoltan does make some good points on some things. I wouldnt suggest he dosent.
But, just look at last year. All the Culpepper bashing I did, thanks of course to the personal attacks thrown my way just for initially suggesting that Culpepper wasnt going to be on the team, I somehow suffered a ban that started THE VERY DAY HE WAS RELEASED....hmmmmm, COINCIDENCE :unsure: Thats why I thought things had changed around here. You see last year the "following" had complete control of the site. So it was just one big love fest for a select group of players and if you werent here to worship that set group and to agree with basically everything that the "following" had to say then you were going to be ridiculed.
Well, I know it has changed here. Its alot better at FH with most of the departures. It is alot less "clichey" We just arent completely free of that here just yet. Rome wasnt built in a day I guess.
Hopefully one day we can get to a point here at FH where anybody can come in and say whatever they feel so long as they dont belittle other posters for their opinions, form groups that act superior, or make totally innapropriate comments. There is no reason we cant be a complete brotherhood of phinfans and still disagree as to which paths will make us more successful as a team.
Seriously, the only player that people should be so sensative about that whenever a poster questions their ability it brings on hate towards the poster is Dan Marino. I think if someone says anything negative about Marino that it should be fine within the TOS to personally attack them for it.
But, instead it seems that Ronnie, Beck, Zach, and JT fall into that catergory for some reason. This whole last paragraph is kind of a joke btw if you didnt catch on to that. Its tongue in cheek. And thats another reason a poster shouldnt be able to make a joke about Beck or any other players (except Marino of course) and not get personally attacked for it. After all, Beck is a joke himself.