Finheaven's "First Lady"
I was out with a friend of mine yesterday and I had my throwback Marino jersey on. I saw two guys come in and sit behind us and they, obviously saw my jersey and started talking between themselves, just loud enough for me to hear that they were Jets fans - one from Homestead. They were talking about the poor showing of Dolphin fans at home games - claiming that there are more Jet fans there. I said nothing, but did mention to a guy sitting next to us - who asked me about my love for the Dolphins and which team I hated worst in the AFCE. I mentioned, just loud enough for the guys behind me to hear, the Jets, to which one of them said "she only hates the Jets because they owned the Dolphins for so many years." You don't know what it took not to respond, but I wanted to bring the question here. This thread is not about talking smack, but I'm curious, when was the period he was referring to. From when to when did the Jets own the Dolphins. I honestly don't remember that. I'd appreciate some enlightenment.