Pair of Raiders vs. Dolphins Tickets 12/15/2002 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Pair of Raiders vs. Dolphins Tickets 12/15/2002


Practice Squad
Mar 14, 2002
Reaction score
Marietta, GA
Hi everyone,

I am selling a pair of tickets for the Oakland/Miami game in Dec. 2002, and I'm offering them to anyone on this board before putting them on eBay. I am only looking to get what I paid for them, $96 total. The tickets were $44/ea. plus customer service charges of $3.50/ea. plus shipping $1.

Anyway, I got these tickets through one of the board members, Miamian, and you will be sitting with him and a few other board members. Please send me an email to if you are interested. I will wait till the end of this week before putting them on eBay on Oct. 5, 2002.

The only reason I am selling these tickets is because my neighbor hooked me up with better seats. I will still be at the game, but I'll be sitting on the 35 yrd line, 12th row up. :D Apparently, my neighbor's brother in law has been a season ticket holder since the 70's and he can't make it to the Raiders game in Dec. so he's selling me his season tickets to that game. Can anyone blame me for jumping on these tickets and selling mine??

Anyway, the seats are in section 447, row 27, seats 23 and 24.

Let me know if you're interested.

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