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PERFECTVILLE: population 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was an absolutely awesome day to be a Miami Dolphins fan. I posted a few days ago that the stadium should be named after any team that beat the Colts.

And for the second consecutive year, you've got to love the New York Jets, my second favorite team ever since I watched Super Bowl III in person. :up:

Funny how you get rewarded for stuff like that, and not adopting the knee jerk simplicity of despising teams solely because they are in the same division. College rivalries are frenzied and season defining, at least 100x more real and significant than in the pros.

Today was devastating evidence why you always prioritize 1972 first. The 2009 Dolphins were never anything more than smoke and mirrors and fluff. Today wasn't exactly a tough handicap, taking a team with a +1.4 YPPA Differential as underdog against a -1.8. I've posted that link all year, actually for several years, and recently so has Greyboy. The novice fans insist on overlooking the numbers because the media is happily clueless:

As always, Mercury Morris dominates planet Earth.

I absolutely love the pain. Imagine all the desperate haters, less than 10 days ago, with not one but two teams to rely on. There were pathetic threads on message boards of all types, rooting for 18-0 teams to square off in Miami. The biggest jokes of all are Dolphin fans who don't understand the significance of maintaining 1972. They should have lollipops to go along with their merry go round, specifically the ones who were posting we might take out both the Colts and Saints in the playoffs.

If 1972 means nothing toward today, then how does another unbeaten team have any impact on what the Dolphins will accomplish going forward? I see that inane argument all the time, that we need to get the focus off 1972 so we can start winning titles again. Buy some more Fruit Loops.

I had season tickets as a kid in '72. It's an annual joy. And it's much more satisfying when it reaches this point of the year. The season is essentially a 4 month advertisement for the 1972 Miami Dolphins. They are the true winners this year. Every Super Bowl champ will eventually wilt and fade in comparison. 18-1 means squat, easily replaced by the 20-1 Bengals of 2029, or whomever.

And it's no less satisfying because of the way it happened with the Colts today. After all, the haters are willing to accept any series of fluke events as long as it equates to unbeaten. Suisham missed a 23 yard FG a few weeks ago to beat the Saints. No one would have asterisked that win if New Orleans had managed 19-0.

I saw those '72 Dolphins overcome every obstacle, including opening on the road at Kansas City in an instant rematch of the 1971 Christmas Day double overtime game. The Chiefs were favored and every analyst was picking them, most by big margin. A few weeks later Miami trailed late at Tarkenton and the Vikings before overcoming an 8 point deficit in the middle of the 4th quarter. Then Griese broke his leg and missed 3 months. We had meaningless late season games, like week 13 at the Giants. Miami was forced to play the AFC Championship game on the road at Pittsburgh due to the inane rotational system they had at the time. If you want all time legend, you overcome every variable. The 1972 Miami Dolphins managed it, and they deserve to squawk and pop. It feels extra good tonight.

The haters are only 19 steps away.
i assume ur joking right?
I really wanted the Colts to win out and go undefeated so I could forever quit hearing about the '72 team. What they accomplished was great, but you can't compare it to today's NFL - you simply can't. For one thing, Indy didn't try to win today. They tried not to get hurt. All that aside, I'm somewhat embarassed to be a Dolphins fan when it comes to this overblown topic. The way half of the '72 roster and staff acts, I'd be relieved to see a team pull it off ASAP.

:chuckle: I love it when the haters come out every year...makes it even more sweet. And it's gonna be really sweet when the 72 Phins are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the unbeaten season in 2012.

Berman didn't even do the champagne pop last night...:chuckle:
I do understand the reaction some of you have about how the act of being perfect must not be important if the Colts didn't even try for it today. However, I don't nessecarilly blame them as if you take a look at the last team to make it that far in to the season and play their starters it obviously didn't work out so well for them...18-1 :lol:

So that's one thing to think about. The other is this, did you see how terrible their 2nd QB was? Imagine if we made it to the SB and then Pat White had to play the big one for us. Make anymore sense now? A lot of teams with clinched playoffs rest starters, just because they had a thus-far perfect season doesn't make them any different or less injury prone. Do you know how stupid they would have felt if they we're playing for virtually nothing but a record and then lost Peyton?

It would be an extremely tough decision to make if in that position, and one the 72 Phins didn't have to make due to circumstance with Griese going out early in the season.

One last thing, I've seen people say that the accomplishment isn't that special because "football then wasn't like what it is now" that I have to say BULL **** it wasn't! Those guys we're hard as nails. You didn't see 1/4th of the amount of No Fun League interference you see now. Horsecollar, chop blocks, stiff/late hits you name it. Virtually nothing was off limits, you wanna see some smash mouth football, just watch footage of that team play, especially Csonka. Tom Brady would have went crying home to his mother after one game with the kind of hits they delivered back then.

Also on the topic of resting starters to avoid danger/injury, you want another example of tough, look no further than Manny Fernandez. There is footage of him wrestling alligators in the everglades while smoking, during the 72 season. :lol:

I highly suggest purchasing the 72-73 America's Game DVD for those that don't value the 72 team. Hell, I recommend it even more for those that do value it.

Or Kooch playing with that broken arm against Minny in '74.

I still can't believe such an amazing football player (now, THOSE were the tough football players) isn't in the HOF.
:chuckle: I love it when the haters come out every year...makes it even more sweet. And it's gonna be really sweet when the 72 Phins are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the unbeaten season in 2012.

Berman didn't even do the champagne pop last night...:chuckle:

Personally, I think Mercury Morris' shtick every year is over-the-top, BUT seeing what a raw nerve he hits with some of the media, opposing teams' fans and players, I'm delighted he and his fellow champagne-toasting "old men" have yet another year to lord their solitary perfection over the league.
I don't understand this misdirected enthusiasm. I'm sorry, but I just can't get excited about this non-perfect season stuff. I wasn't alive when it happened and really don't care if and when it happens again. I want the current Miami Dolphin franchise to win multiple championshps. That's all I want. I know this is an unpopular thought process here and I really mean no disrespect, but I just can't get into it.
I don't understand this misdirected enthusiasm. I'm sorry, but I just can't get excited about this non-perfect season stuff. I wasn't alive when it happened and really don't care if and when it happens again. I want the current Miami Dolphin franchise to win multiple championshps. That's all I want. I know this is an unpopular thought process here and I really mean no disrespect, but I just can't get into it.

I don't think its an unpopular thought amongst those who didn't live to see it. But it's unfathomable to (most of) those who did live to see it.

I was a Packers fan before I was a Miami fan. Notre Dame fan overall, though. But in the fifties I moved to Miami for a while and when the Dolphins were born, I said 'what the hell, let's go see this team'. It was the local team, and yeah they sucked, but they were actual pro football *right there*. And so they were my second favorite. Different leagues, it didn't matter much.

And then, the '70 season happened. I remembered Shula from his days in Baltimore. SOB always played us tough, I'll grant him that. By then, coach Lombardi was long gone and the Pack had fallen in very hard times. And this team was... well, it was Green Bay tough. Shula preached the same no-nonsense approach he had done for years, the kind that makes you hang tough against anyone. Gradually, I fell in love. You can figure out that by '72, I was hard rooting for this team.

Obviously if it doesn't mean anything to you, you could care less if it's broken. But it's withstood the test of time. And if you were around for it... well, special just doesn't quite cut it. It was unique. And perfect.
I don't think its an unpopular thought amongst those who didn't live to see it. But it's unfathomable to (most of) those who did live to see it.

I was a Packers fan before I was a Miami fan. Notre Dame fan overall, though. But in the fifties I moved to Miami for a while and when the Dolphins were born, I said 'what the hell, let's go see this team'. It was the local team, and yeah they sucked, but they were actual pro football *right there*. And so they were my second favorite. Different leagues, it didn't matter much.

And then, the '70 season happened. I remembered Shula from his days in Baltimore. SOB always played us tough, I'll grant him that. By then, coach Lombardi was long gone and the Pack had fallen in very hard times. And this team was... well, it was Green Bay tough. Shula preached the same no-nonsense approach he had done for years, the kind that makes you hang tough against anyone. Gradually, I fell in love. You can figure out that by '72, I was hard rooting for this team.

Obviously if it doesn't mean anything to you, you could care less if it's broken. But it's withstood the test of time. And if you were around for it... well, special just doesn't quite cut it. It was unique. And perfect.

I understand. Thanks for not blowing me out of the water. I get it and appreciate that.
I would care about the record if we were still actively defending it, like back in '85. We have lost to every undefeated team in the last five years or so, including both this season. If we defend it, that's one thing. Since we aren't, we don't deserve to rest on it anymore.
Hey, it is what it is; The 72 Dolphins are the greatest football team in history.

It doesn't get any better than that. If you can't appreciate it, it is indeed your loss because I roll around in it like Uncle Scrooge taking a bath in his treasure bin.
There's nothing wrong with remembering that season, I just wish I wouldn't have to hear about it every year. It happened before the majority of people on this site were born. I can see how older fans would hold it dear, but not the people who weren't alive at the time.

It's part of the Dolphin's legend and lore. How can anyone who calls themself a Dolphin's fan not care about it??? For the record: I was born 2 years after it happened.

If things aren't worth remembering and celebrating why do you celebrate your birthday every year?? I mean, it happened a little while ago and you did nothing but expell from a birth canal. Yet I bet you expect a cake and presents and well wishing from people who weren't even there every single year right?
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