Perspective on change | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Perspective on change


Practice Squad
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
I for one, have been, still am, and will always be a proud fan of my beloved Dolphins.

For this reason I struggled and suffered through recent negative news about this offseason, from high profile rejections, loosing some of our most productive players, all the way through the first entertainment prospers I had ever heard of at the time.

But like the old saying goes, time heals all wounds, and with time my dissapointmen turned into anger followed by complacement... I'm sure I'm was not alone in this....

As I started to think about the Dolphins of past, I realized one thing. The Fins used to always get their man... If a big name was available u could be sure we got him... Saban, Parcells, Marshall, Dansby and so on... All these names had one thing in common, success didn't follow them here..

Instead, we fell into a vicious cycle of courting name instead of substance and now we are where we are, deservedly so. Forced transcion is a funny thing. It is difficult, humbling and even painful...

Maybe this is exactly what we needed, or maybe it isn't.. I don't know for sure because tomorrow is never promised, but as an eternally opmistic fan it is the only way I can deal with what's going on in a positive manner.

Change isn't coming, it is here, and it's probably best we brace for it and prepare for what's coming.
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