☠️ Banned ☠️
Alright, here's the deal. We've had less than 15 votes in a span of one week. I was expecting more but what can ya do. The VIPers don't seem interested in having the priviledge to vote, so I've heard that we should allow another week or so to vote from some people. But here is what I'll propose. We add on another week so next Sunday would be the ending date for voting. I'll be gone on a trip to New York City by then, so TractorTraylor or someone will have to tally up the votes. And I would also like to propose that we are able to change our voting choices, sometimes we wish we would have voted for someone more deserving or something along the lines of that, I'm just saying that it'd be nice to be able to change our vote if we wish and next Sunday be the day where ALL votes will be final and be tallied up to determine a winner. I'd like some input, if both the extension and the voting editing sound good or bad, type in a reply and tell me what you all think. Thanks.