I'm not a fantasy football guy at all - I don't follow it or totally understand the scoring BUT I came across this article and found it puts in perspective all the hype we see on this board about the Phins this year. While we all like the direction the team is headed and think they have alot of talent this shows how folks feel our talent level ranks with the elite players at the money positions. Not one guy was picked as a money guy. What does it mean - probably squat but it goes to show you that this team is void of big time players. That's not to say they aren't capable but they haven't done it yet. While I'm not a fan of Ricky coming back - he was (3 years ago) the only true offensive big time guy we've had in a long time. Chambers and McMike are good but haven't performed big time yet - let's hope they step up and we have guys that are considered money players among the elite in the league and teams will have to truly game plan for.