I agree that if Law and the Postons stick to the idea that he is worth "top five CB" money, then we need to forget about him. Maybe they can get the Lions to bite (no pun intended :tongue: ) on a mega-deal for Law.
Otherwise, what is Law going to do this year? Not play? At his age, he can't afford to take a year off -it certainly won't add to his value next year, just raise more question marks.
Now, part of getting a new contract is to satisfy the ego of a player. How much is it worth total? What was the signing bonus? Every player wants one equal or better than his peers.
What if you heard Miami signed Law to a three year $18 million dollar contract, with a $8 million signing bonus? Pretty good numbers right? About $6 mil/year?
Ah, but it's all in the details, right? What if that signing bonus is two split into this year and next, with the majority to come in 2006? What if the base salary is $5 million in the third year? Back-loaded then? Law could end up playing for a $500,000 base salary plus $3 million in signing bonus this year-and cut next year if Poole comes back strong.
Sure, the contract looks good at first glance, but would be in effect a one year deal. Why would he sign it? Because $3.5 million is BETTER than nothing. If Law has a good year, he can still find another team next year looking for a 2-3 year CB solution.
I think Law and the Postons are hoping to bluff some team into signing him to a big contract, but if not, they will take a "fake deal" like above and live with it. I'd throw in some clauses about injury if I was Miami too, like paying back a portion of the signing bonus if his foot gets injured again.
Patience is the key here, as there may be a surprise CB cut come June 1st.