But that is a rather large steak. 8.1B.Nope. He's selling a stake which is now allowed for all teams. Think max to firms is 10% IIRC.
The total value of the organization is 8.1B which includes the F1 track and other ammenities. And that makes me hungry.But that is a rather large steak. 8.1B.
Thanks for posting that cause I was just mentioning in another post that I didn’t know much about the guy.AliDolphinBaba. Bring it on. Anything is an improvement!
Joseph Tsai - Wikipedia
Again, like I posted earlier, I don’t know much about this guy. But what you just posted makes a whole lot of sense. I also want an owner who is passionate about our team, and not just only here to make money ( which is what Jets fan Ross has done ).I know Ares well due to some personal experience that I can’t get into. I wouldn’t count this as a positive. They are strictly set up to make money on transactions. No evidence that they’d have any interest in anything beyond making money.
If you think about it, that’s the purpose of their business. They are obligated to look at it that way. It’s a financial investment.
When things change, even if desired, it can always get worse. Granted they’d only be in for 10% but they will scrutinize the financials.
We want an owner who is passionate about it and in it to win it, not look at balance sheets and ROI first.
The money takes care of itself for an owner like Ross. He’s sitting at 3X-4X or more.
Thanks. So there are two entities mentioned. Tsai is a person who was reportedly eyeing 3%.Again, like I posted earlier, I don’t know much about this guy. But what you just posted makes a whole lot of sense. I also want an owner who is passionate about our team, and not just only here to make money ( which is what Jets fan Ross has done ).
Didn’t know this. And again….dont know much about Tsai, or Ares.Thanks. So there are two entities mentioned. Tsai is a person who was reportedly eyeing 3%.
Ares is a separate entity reportedly looking into 10%. Ares is a private equity firm.
Hmm that’s interesting. So I wonder if when these current owners start selling and demand isn’t there to buy, if the price of an NFL team goes downI wasn’t as familiar with Tsai but I see that he’s co-founder and chairman of Alibaba. I saw a listing that he’s worth $8B. Ross is worth double that.
Tsai may not have the assets to buy a majority stake. But that’s just me spitballing. I suppose Ross could parse out slices and he could try to buy just the Dolphins. But I’m not sure he’d be liquid enough to buy a majority stake of the Fins.
I think that’s why they want private equity allowed. With the escalating costs, we are running out of humans that can still pay for higher and higher cost of equity. Out of the few people able, many may have no interest in owning a pro franchise.