In case anybody hasn't noticed, we haven't gotten favorable, or just plain fair calls since Shula left.Why you ask? Shula was a legend and mainly because he was on the Rules Commitee! I wouldn't go as far as to say there's a conpiracy going on, but it's frustrating none the less.I don't care what the so called experts say, from the N.B.A. to the N.F.L. the league does dictate who they want to win, and who they don't. I don't know to what extent, but you're just fooling yourself if you don't believe it.Jimmy Johnson was a ****y, loud mouth has been when we Unfortunately attained his services. The League loved stickin it to him(us).Wandsucks was a wuss! The League had no respect for him(and thus no respect for us!) Saban, on the other hand "will" be a well liked and respected head coach.The League has to make him "pay his dues". He's a hot shot "rookie" coach who speaks his mind(he's already complained and written letters to the League about questionable calls).Thus expect this trend of unfair and untimely officiating to continue.At least Saban can write letters to the League. All we can do is write Threads to each other and suffer the pain or getting screwed as Fans! Go Fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!