Running Back Trades? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Running Back Trades?


Pro Bowler
Club Member
Jan 19, 2005
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During camp or pre-season,do you think we could
trade one or two of our RB's for picks?If so ,who
would the back be and what round pick could
we get?
I'd like to trade Gordon for a 3rd or 4th,so if we use a pick
in the supplemental draft for Wright,we basicaly wouldn't
lose much in the way of picks.
Namor said:
I'd like to trade Gordon for a 3rd or 4th,so if we use a pick
in the supplemental draft for Wright,we basicaly wouldn't
lose much in the way of picks.

Only Dave Wandstadt is gonna trade a 3rd for Gordon.
I'd like to trade Gordon for a 3rd or 4th,so if we use a pick
in the supplemental draft for Wright,we basicaly wouldn't
lose much in the way of picks.

Seattle's only asking for a third for Shaun Alexander and Buffalo at this point would probably settle for a fourth to trade Henry.

I like Gordon, but realistically Miami would be lucky to get a fifth or sixth rounder for him. If he has a good pre-season and seems dedicated to being in football and not just for the money, I could see Ricky being a commodity, but with his track record, I still don't the Phins getting any higher than a third (and that's in the best case scenario)
Or a first for Rob Johnson or Drew Bledsole.
If we do trade any of our backs, I don't think it will be until next offseason. I doubt anybody will give a 3rd or 4th for Gordon after the injury last season. Anyways he can be an asset for us in the passing game.
Losman7 said:
Only Dave Wandstadt is gonna trade a 3rd for Gordon.
You mean, this guy?!?!!

I think we will trade Ricky to Norv Turner and the Raiders
Wagon Circler said:
You mean, this guy?!?!!

whatever floats your boat, he's not a Dolphin anymore and years from now I will deny that he was ever a Dolphin... man he was stupid
I really don't see us trading any Running Backs. What I do see is, trading Ricky Williams could be a possiblity next season if he performs well and is mentally healthy, than he will have pretty good trade value. But as of now Ricky has little or no trade value and it's a bad time in the market for RB's so I don't see us trading any of them. And no way in hell would we get a 3rd for Lamar Gordon, I wish.
having depth now is a plus. reduces the risk of injury in mini-camps, training camps and preseason.

Kay Jay went undrafted. so no one wanted him then.

Minor was a FA. he got no offers. so no one wanted him.

Ricky is Ricky. one huge walking risk. at this point, no one would want him until he proves himself.

Sammy Morris is an asset as he can play RB and FB and maybe even HB. he's going no where.

Heath Evans is a monster at FB and HB. he's staying too.

Gordon, another injury risk. if he can prove himself in the preseason and with whatever carries he may get early, before Ricky returns, he might get a 5th from someone.

otherwise, the mark is flooded and no one is giving up much of anything for any of these guys. That is until the injury bug starts to hit teams, like Jax and Tenn.

for now, we need to keep them all. let the market come to us.
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