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Saban was lying when he said...


Active Roster
May 3, 2004
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in my house
2 to 3 years of rebuilding!

It's on people. We have a very nice shot - as good as anyone out there - to make the playoffs and then ANYTHING can happen. The NFL is set up so that in any given year a team can 180 their whole thing. Arizona is another team that, unlike the NFL of old, has completely revamped their team and could very likely turn their thing around this season.

I expect Ricky to be a BEAST next year - 12 games - 1500 total yards - passing and recieving that is.

Look out NFL! I think Ricky will be an absolute ANIMAL! I think it is due to people's emotional response to being let down last year that people are talking about Ricky not being in shape. Ricky is going to be a man on a mission to absolutely obliterate all of the nay sayers around the NFL - especially those in Miami and the teams overall fanbase. Ricky looked INCREDIBLE in a Dolphins uniform considering he had SO little help.

Saban must feel like Babe Ruth in 1919 with some feeble pitcher lobbing a softball across the strike zone with this Ricky set up. Saban can get the guy so highly motivated by telling him that he can make millions, make his critics eat crow, carve out a piece of NFL history, and he will have lots and lots of help so on Mondays he will not feel like he's been in a car wreck. Then he can retire into Bob Marleyesque oblivian forever MAHHNNN!

I continue to feel frustrated with the large amount of negativity that many on this site feel towards Ricky. While I understand the large and painful dissapointment of his abandonment of his pathetic team last season by ALL of us true Dolphin fans I have NO problem forgiving him provided he shows up to smash some people's teeth in. I think the way he quit was quite painful and somewhat immature, but then again Wannstadt was totally painful and very much overhead and ill prepared to be an NFL head coach.

Saban is lulling the NFL and the Dolphin fanbase to sleep in that he is way understating his intentions. That is wise. By taking this more humble approach he is making the media, and the odds makers underestimate our true likelihood of success. He takes some heat off of himself and buys time for working out unforseen glitches in his otherwise brilliant mutlifaceted attack to making this team very good. And we have ALL waited a very long time for this moment to arrive and I do believe we have arrived.
You could be on to something. I thought the same thing 2 weeks ago in Vegas, when I put 50 on the Fins to win the AFC this year, at 40 to 1 odds. Stranger things have happened.
I think predicting the finish for this year is so tricky compared to other years. There are so many unknowns and variables: you've got a new, quality coaching staff vs. an old shabby one, though with this comes new systems to master and we know there will be glitches; we have now up to 4 quality running backs on the team (Williams, Gordon, Brown, Harris, throw in Minor, too...) where last year we had none. There are still questions at QB. We added Boston, but how will the injuries affect him? On defense, Bowens and Chester are questionable, we have inexpensive DLine additions, but how will they play? What about the safety position? Can those guys play (still)? And who will replace Surtain? I am feeling very optimistic, and I think the Dolphins will be better than most people think. I will try not to get to overzealous predicting double-digit wins and playoff appearances, just because of all the factors mentioned. I think a year under Saban, then another offseason like this one in 2006, then watch out. This team will become a steamroller.
raving said:
2 to 3 years of rebuilding!

It's on people. We have a very nice shot - as good as anyone out there - to make the playoffs and then ANYTHING can happen. The NFL is set up so that in any given year a team can 180 their whole thing. Arizona is another team that, unlike the NFL of old, has completely revamped their team and could very likely turn their thing around this season.

I expect Ricky to be a BEAST next year - 12 games - 1500 total yards - passing and recieving that is.

Look out NFL! I think Ricky will be an absolute ANIMAL! I think it is due to people's emotional response to being let down last year that people are talking about Ricky not being in shape. Ricky is going to be a man on a mission to absolutely obliterate all of the nay sayers around the NFL - especially those in Miami and the teams overall fanbase. Ricky looked INCREDIBLE in a Dolphins uniform considering he had SO little help.

Saban must feel like Babe Ruth in 1919 with some feeble pitcher lobbing a softball across the strike zone with this Ricky set up. Saban can get the guy so highly motivated by telling him that he can make millions, make his critics eat crow, carve out a piece of NFL history, and he will have lots and lots of help so on Mondays he will not feel like he's been in a car wreck. Then he can retire into Bob Marleyesque oblivian forever MAHHNNN!

I continue to feel frustrated with the large amount of negativity that many on this site feel towards Ricky. While I understand the large and painful dissapointment of his abandonment of his pathetic team last season by ALL of us true Dolphin fans I have NO problem forgiving him provided he shows up to smash some people's teeth in. I think the way he quit was quite painful and somewhat immature, but then again Wannstadt was totally painful and very much overhead and ill prepared to be an NFL head coach.

Saban is lulling the NFL and the Dolphin fanbase to sleep in that he is way understating his intentions. That is wise. By taking this more humble approach he is making the media, and the odds makers underestimate our true likelihood of success. He takes some heat off of himself and buys time for working out unforseen glitches in his otherwise brilliant mutlifaceted attack to making this team very good. And we have ALL waited a very long time for this moment to arrive and I do believe we have arrived.

It may be on, but Ricky is not going to be an animal. I think we will win 9 or 10 games, because I don't recall any team every winning the first year that new coaches put in new systems. Our team needs to learn and adjust, thus Saban stating a few years. I agree with Saban, but I also think we will surprise the league
Roman529 said:
We're gonna win the Superbowl!!!!:lol:

I know, and I am going to win the American Idol next year ! Stop it, I am a die hard fan, but we are not going to win it this year. Too much of a learning curve with a new O and a new D :roflmao:
I've been saying this for months. Miami has a VERY good chance at the playoffs and a 10-6 or 11-5 record is easily within reach. This team is a year removed from 10-6. We now have a running game again (and if/when RW returns, it will be a devastating running game.) If Boston stays healthy, we have the best WR core (inluding McMichael) in the AFC East and one of the best in the NFL. Our defenses weakness now is in defensive backfield and you have to believe Saban will shore that up in some way (June 1st cuts) and there is a good chance we sign Traylor and we could grab another vet DT cut after June 1st. Our offense will be much more explosive, our defense much less predictable and more aggressive than the past 5 years. There is no reason to think this team will only win between 5 and 7 games like alot of people are saying. I can understand not getting hopes up. BUT, Saban has every intention of winning now and he will.
I think the biggest thing keeping us from drawing more praise, nationally, is our Quarterback situation. Do Feeley and Ferrotte really merit the kind of praise our other offseason additions do? I mean, we've clerly upgraded every position except QB.

And our offensive line remains very questionable. While I remain hopeful, does adding McDougle, Cook, Alabi, Pape, and essentially Carey give us a legitimate NFL starting caliber offensive line? Of the group, McDougle is the only proven starter, but will these additions, in combination with Houck, be enough to actually open up holes for Ronnie Brown (and improbably, Ricky Williams) while protecting Ferrotte (likely over Feeley)?

In order for us to show any improvement, these two MAJOR question marks must be answered satisfactorily...
I'd be happy if Ricky can come in for 10-15 plays a game and contribute.
CD13 said:
I know, and I am going to win the American Idol next year ! Stop it, I am a die hard fan, but we are not going to win it this year. Too much of a learning curve with a new O and a new D :roflmao:
Maybe that "learning curve" will CURVE our way. :wink:
We arent going anywhere with our DT situation right now...... We better plan on playing a 3-4 full time because as of right now, we dont have 2 starting DTs. :lol:
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