My read is that they are going after Ireland. The fact that Schefter is aware of these persons likely to confirm Jonathan Martin's points tells me that harassment has probably occurred. Everyone on here loves Incognito but he is a thug and possibly a trainee sociopath who had probably been entrusted with "mentoring" Martin, a genuine intellectual (Stanford graduate) who was struggling to make it in the NFL. Shefter also indicated that Martin has a lot of evidence to present. He is articulate and he will have very high credibility.
I repeat what I have been saying on here, Martin is a likely real victim and don't be surprised if it includes physical abuse in addition to the mental intimidation. I have been a supporter of coach Philbin but he is possible collateral damage, in the likely scenario that the O-line coach, Turner encouraged Richie to show his leadership with some tough love. No doubt in my mind that Ireland is very vulnerable and is probably dead meat.