I have to say as well as this writer that I was amused by Sherman's comments after the game and saw the raw passion in it. It led me to read this article posted on NBC.
This write-up was very well presented and framed in a context not viewed by the casual critic who will simply dismiss the outburst as "boisterous, self-centered, ungraceful and unsportsmen like". Instead it looks back at the opinion of a running back I once loved as an NFL player and his outlook years before Sherman made his comments last night, Priest Holmes.
I for one loved the interview and so did my 15 year old son who watched the finial play with me and said "what a great play to save the game". It made the post game shakey shakey hands and smile dullness certainly more interesting and gives a hell of a storyline heading into the Super Bowl in two weeks!!
This write-up was very well presented and framed in a context not viewed by the casual critic who will simply dismiss the outburst as "boisterous, self-centered, ungraceful and unsportsmen like". Instead it looks back at the opinion of a running back I once loved as an NFL player and his outlook years before Sherman made his comments last night, Priest Holmes.
I for one loved the interview and so did my 15 year old son who watched the finial play with me and said "what a great play to save the game". It made the post game shakey shakey hands and smile dullness certainly more interesting and gives a hell of a storyline heading into the Super Bowl in two weeks!!