Signature and Avatar suggestion! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Signature and Avatar suggestion!


Big Dawg
Dec 4, 2003
Reaction score
New England
Hey fellas just a though! I don't know if there is one already because I couldn't find anything, but what do you guys think about having a section that would be just for Signatures and Avatars sort of like the photo gallary! I know a lot of people like to play around and make signature, it would be a good place for those people to show them off and people like me that don't know how to make them either get a sick signature or post a request for one! They have something like that on an other board I go one and it pretty popular! Just a suggestion what do you guys think? Thanks for taking the time to look at this and consider it! Great site!
Go to the top of this page (or any page for that matter) and click photo gallery. There you can upload all type of pics that you want and look at others as well. Hope that helps.
Prime Time said:
Go to the top of this page (or any page for that matter) and click photo gallery. There you can upload all type of pics that you want and look at others as well. Hope that helps.

Yea I know where the photo gallary is! My point was if there was a place that had signature that were already the correct size without having to resize them! Also people that like to make them could have a place where they could show them off and have people request different signatures for them to make! It was just a though but it seems you guys aren't interested so that's cool what ever!
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