Assuming this number is correct (I would be very happy.) We have to realize this is subtrating the salaries of all our free agents. Therefore Carey, Bell, Crowder, Goodman, Hill and the rest of the funky bunch are not accounted for.
Here are my estimated of what they would demand to resign. I sure these are way off but just estimates. Also I am rounding up.
Carey: 7Mil (9mil if franchised)
Bell: 4 mil (5.5 mil if franchised)
Crowder: 5mil
Goodman: 3mil
Hill: 2mil?
Resign all of them and we are looking at $21 million locked up. My guess is Crowder isn't back but you all can do your own senerios/math. Remember this is very rough estimates and they may be a bit high. FA is crazy though!
Leaving the phins $14 mil under the cap.