The Skeptic's view of the roster as follows...
1. Berlin is signed to the practice squad; Feeley remains #2.
2. Ricky Williams will be a Dolphin all year.
3. Maurice Mann and Josh Davis will be signed to the practice squad.
4. Zgonina will make the team over Josh Shaw.
5. Edwards and Howard will be on the roster at cb, with no other major additions.
6. Miami will get no trade value for anyone on the roster at present.
7. Dolphin interior offensive line will struggle all season, regardless of recent additions (ie. Middleton)
8. Travis Daniels will get a rude introduction to the league.
9. Donald Lee will make the final roster.
10. Moore will make the final roster at lb.
With all that said, I am not a skeptic and I expect some of these statements to be proven wrong.
1. Berlin is signed to the practice squad; Feeley remains #2.
2. Ricky Williams will be a Dolphin all year.
3. Maurice Mann and Josh Davis will be signed to the practice squad.
4. Zgonina will make the team over Josh Shaw.
5. Edwards and Howard will be on the roster at cb, with no other major additions.
6. Miami will get no trade value for anyone on the roster at present.
7. Dolphin interior offensive line will struggle all season, regardless of recent additions (ie. Middleton)
8. Travis Daniels will get a rude introduction to the league.
9. Donald Lee will make the final roster.
10. Moore will make the final roster at lb.
With all that said, I am not a skeptic and I expect some of these statements to be proven wrong.