FinHeaven Elite
Coach Tony Sparano may not have any medical training, but he might've understated his team's playoff hopes when he told his players Monday, "we still have a pulse,'' despite Sunday's heart-stopping overtime loss to the Titans.
"The message to the team this week is the way I know it — we're still in the race,'' Sparano said.
"The best chance we have is we got to win two football games. We've won two football games [in a row three times] before, so we'll worry about one football game right now.
"We've got a chance to play at home. We still have a pulse; we're still in this race and we prepare that way.''
The Dolphins are ranked second among a six-pack of 7-7 wild-card competitors. They're seeded behind Jacksonville but ahead of the Jets, Steelers, Titans and Texans, who all trail the 8-6 Ravens and Broncos.,0,5465880.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sun-sentinel%2Fsports%2Ffootball%2Fpro%2Fdolphins+%28Miami+Dolphins+%2F+South+Florida+Sun-Sentinel%29